"Everyone be careful; This little practice is the ninth turn Xuangong, and now it has reached the third turn, which is not only powerful but also variable in size. At the same time, it also has the special axe skill of the ninth turn Xuangong. Don’t let its axe hit, otherwise even the fairy device can’t stop him from hitting an axe. "Yu Long saw that his side was so easily killed by a member on Sunday, and felt that his companions knew too little about the ninth turn Xuangong, and it was easy to suffer in this matter. Yu Long couldn’t help but hurry out and say what he knew at that time.

It’s those people who want to pass the information to their own side, but he forgot to consider one thing. Although other monks came to [Read More…]

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Give a red envelope thank you Everybody rest assured. The DVD will never abandon the text I hope parents will support me more. thank you [Read More…]