The valley drops and drags the Fu Jingguang into the dead corner of the line of sight. Listening to the man, he smiles. "You are so nervous now."

"Are you still laughing?" Descending Valley glared at Zhu Jingguang. "How did I find you so nervous before?"
"Because you are blinded by love," Betty Ross vomited. "You can be relieved that you didn’t see Mr. Gao and ghosts in the INTERPOL."
Descending valley grumpily pinched Betty Ross’s ear. "What are you listening to at an early age? hir and I are not what you said."
Betty Ross covered her ears. "But if it’s not true, you can explain it another way. If you open your mouth, your brother didn’t deny it, and Gretel also said that he saw you …"
Descending the valley covered Betty Ross’s mouth, and his intuition told him that Betty Ross would kill him if he wanted to talk.
"What are you doing?" A thick male voice startled the people to turn around.
Yamato Kansuke was seen with three pairs of eyes and somehow felt guilty. No, he felt guilty. What?
Descending the valley, I realized that Zhu Jingguang wanted to cover his face and move his heart. Really? This is an acquaintance, too?
Yamato Kansuke "What are you doing? Hurry up and record. "
Drop the valley and hang a smile "OK, please wait a moment"
The three police officers recorded the messages for Gu Jingguang and Betty Ross respectively, but fortunately, Zhu Jingguang was arranged for a new police officer to send a bite to Gu.
Yamato Kansuke’s "Name, Age and Occupation"
"My name is An Shitou. I’m 4 years old and I’m a freelancer."
"Who are those two people?"
"My friend and sister next door."
"What happened at the time of the crime?" Yamato Kansuke asked, "I heard you were hit by a corpse."
There was just the right timidity in the room. "I remember that the room suddenly went dark and then I heard a bang again and again, and then I was hit. Fortunately, I didn’t hit the shelf because of the light."
Yamato Kansuke nodded. "Okay, I get it. Because you have contact with the body, stay for the time being."
Drop valley smiled and said no?
ZhuFuJingGuang leaned over and asked "? It’s not difficult for you to dare to help Mr. "
"Fortunately, although it is more serious, the tone is also terrible."
"Ha ha, Mr. Kensuke has always been like this." Zhu Jingguang touched his head and said, "But fortunately, they didn’t recognize me."
Betty Ross handed him a clean dress and said, "Please change the clean clothes from the police officer’s sister first."
Down the valley "thanks"
When the valley came out, I saw Zhu Fujingguang and Betty Ross hiding in the corner and saying something.
"Hey, what are you doing?"
Zhu Jingguang "is discussing the case with Chuxue. After all, there is nothing to do now."
Descending valley looked around as if there was really nothing to do. He sat down beside Zhu Jingguang and asked, "So have you found anything?"
"He died after being inserted with a fruit knife. It can be inferred that he was also a person with excellent night vision and a good understanding of human fruit." Zhu Jingguang pointed to four people who were being questioned. "The man in white was a doctor, and the man in red was a chef beside him, and they all had disputes with the deceased."
"What about the other two?" Descending valley asked
"One is the wife of the deceased and the other is a friend of the deceased," Betty Ross said. "At present, the suspect is the least, but he was also left behind because he was closest to the deceased at the time of the crime."
"What do you think of this murder case?" asked Zhu Jingguang. "How much can you infer from this situation?"
"Previously," Betty Ross said, "The deceased Oda Xiongxin is a company employee’s wife Oda Shin is a model of loving couples. Today, I invited my friend Yu Xinmei to go home for dinner and go out to buy food. When I met Yu Xinmei, I became three people and went to the supermarket to buy food."
"Later, I met the family chef Ito Sasuke who caused the abortion of the deceased wife."
Zhu Jingguang "It is said that the doctor prescribed the wrong medicine and the chef made the pregnant woman should not eat food, which led to the abortion of the deceased wife. Just now, the witness said that the chef cried and begged her to forgive and let them live alone when shopping alone."
"What about the family doctor?"
Zhu Jingguang "said that he met the deceased a few days ago. It is said that the deceased has been emotionally unstable since they met."
"Is there anything wrong with your wife and friends?"

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