Yang Muyu still didn’t speak, but she was walking along the stone steps step by step, but she was thinking about 6 amazing words. If she really wanted to start work, she would come and tell him specially and kindly, so that he would be prepared.

I want to think of Yang Muyu’s sudden heart movement and dark call "No!" I’m afraid that 6 Jinghong doesn’t want to move Qingyao City, but her goal should be Dongliu Flower City. What if 6 Jinghong controls Dongliu Flower City?
Reasoning is very dangerous if Tianyimen and Dongliuhuacheng make an alliance with Mohism.
But why does Yang Chen still stay in Tangguo today? The more Yang Muyu thinks about it, the more he worries. Yang Chen won’t have it, will she?
"When I first met her, I thought of her as a fairy just like you …" Yang Muyu suddenly said.
"Yes, she is really beautiful. Did Brother Yang introduce her?" Lin Xing laughed
"You’d better not know her." Yang Muyu shook his head.
Lin Xingwen smell speech not only spent a while just now, although he didn’t say anything to Bai Muyu and 6 Jinghong, it was still a little white. It was not good for two people, not like a couple …
"You and her?" Lin Xing tentatively asked, "How did you make an enemy?"
"Sometimes I don’t need to have any enmity with her," Yang Muyu sighed. "It’s just that we have different positions."
Speaking of which, he not only shook his head, but if he wasn’t afraid of 6 Jing Hong, he wouldn’t even look at him. She could flatter him so naturally because of the prominent status there. Yang Muyu once again thought of the Oriental Ding …
What did the Oriental family do that actually aroused the murder of 6 people?
Yang Tie has been in Jinsha Bay. It is impossible not to know it, but Yang Tie must ask for the word Ding in the Oriental State.
"Hey, look!" Suddenly Lin Xing gently pulled him and pointed to a handsome figure not far away. "Today is really lucky. I met a beautiful girl."
"Ah?" Yang Muyu followed his finger to see the past two people talking. They have gone up the hillside to Huajiang Wharf near Huajiang Wharf, which is naturally full of shops. Now, in a shop, a girl in a long red dress is taking an old mammy to choose her membership.
Although I can see half of the girl’s side face, in the sunset, the tender and perfect face still makes people feel amazing.
Yang Muyu soon recognized that the girl in red was the shy girl who lived in the small building next to him. The old nurse around her probably dutifully helped her stop some intentional or intentional dude.
Yang Muyu’s eyes suddenly turned and Yang Tie was actually in the shop now, and Yang Tie stared at the girl in red unabashedly, and naturally attracted the old mammy to count her eyes. Yang Tie didn’t move, and she had no reason to do anything.
Can’t say, miss learning can’t let people see?
But it’s always a bit rude for a big man to stare at a girl like this naked.
Yang Muyu curious don’t have to Yang Tie this person is also moved? It’s not impossible for Yang Tie to look at the little girl.
"Let’s go and have a look?" Yang Muyu laughed
Lin Xing gave him a thumbs-up and smiled "to my liking". The two men smiled at each other and walked towards the shop.
"What kind of shop do the two men need …" Just when they arrived at the door, a shop assistant greeted them, which was almost the same sign.
But neither Yang Muyu nor Lin Xing wants to buy it. The man who goes straight to the shop is also a child prodigy. What’s the matter with white at first sight? In the heart, he sighs that "the allure of beauty is really poor these days". However, due to the presence of this girl in red, his business in this small shop is booming today.
"Gong!" See Yang Muyu Yang Tie come over busy walked to come over to say
Yang Muyu smiled gently and looked at the girl in red. "This girl looks good."
"Yes!" Yang Tie unexpectedly admitted that he had no overseas Chinese feelings, but it was greatly unexpected for Yang Muyu.
"unbridled!" Although the two people spoke very low, the old mammy was obviously not an ordinary person, so she heard clearly, and the old woman finally went up with a lot of anger. "Shame people dare to judge our young lady. I really don’t know if it’s life or death."
Yang Tie hasn’t come to speak yet, but Yang Muyu has been lazy and laughed. "The old lady’s words are poor-it’s natural that everyone likes to take a look at this beautiful lady. Isn’t that right?" He said that in the end, he asked a few young people staring at the girl in red next to him.
Everyone was attracted by the beauty of the girl in red, but the wife stood in the way and wanted to leave a good impression on the girl in red. No one had an excuse to make trouble, but now that someone has chosen a leader, these teenagers are usually the darlings of the family, and they are not afraid of sex. They can’t help but burst into laughter. "Exactly!"
Yang Muyu looked at the wife’s face, and immediately added, "Of course, we don’t look at people like the old lady, even if you pay us to look at her."
"Ha ha ha ha ….." Lin Xingxian couldn’t help laughing. After hearing this, everyone laughed their heads off and shook the house.
"Little presumptuous!" The wife was furious and slapped Yang Muyu in the face.
Yang Tie couldn’t help but be furious and cold-hum. With a snap of his finger, he played the palm of this wife’s hand and said coldly, "The old lady is a little angry."
The wife also don’t put Yang Tie eyes fingers bent on Yang Tie wrist caught up.
"Don’t hurt people!" Yang Muyu frown gently way
Yang Tie didn’t even move a finger, but he still didn’t move out. The wife was bounced by his finger wind, and it felt like a cold spike pierced the palm of her hand. She took a few steps back and looked down to see that the palm was already livid.
"You …" The wife looked at Yang Tie with incredible shock.
Yang Muyu sighed and looked at Yang Tie. He told him not to hurt people. He just hurt people with his hands. He wanted to chase people, but first he hurt people’s slaves, beat dogs and look at his master.
The girl in red would have turned around and looked at Yang Muyu and others, who probably recognized Yang Muyu as living next door to her, and immediately bowed their heads with a red face.
Chapter 11 immortals also chat
Yang Muyu smiled. "I wonder if I have the honor to know the name of the young lady?" He said to the girl in red, slightly bending down upon.
The girl looked at him, his face flushed, and his lips moved. After all, he didn’t say his name. The wife couldn’t afford to provoke Yang Tie, and she snorted and protected the girl in red.
But Yang Tie didn’t want to let them go at all. He suddenly stepped in front of the wife and sneered, "Didn’t you hear my husband’s question?"
"Let!" The wife great anger way
"If you want to go, I will naturally let this young lady stay!" Yang Tie deadpan expression way
"You’re an apprentice …" My wife was angry, but she also knew that she was no match for this person. The opponent not only angered, "Do you know who our young lady is?"
"Well, I know my husband asked this lady to stay." Yang Tie sneered.
"Hum is not afraid to tell you that my lady is a niece of Emperor Junge in Sunny Yao City. Aren’t you afraid to offend Sunny Yao City by doing so? Don’t you save trouble when your husband is young? " The wife cold way
In Qingyu Empire, the name of Qingyao City is naturally like a fairy. No one dares to light its front, but Yang Tie is Leng Leng Qingyao City. I immediately looked up at Yang Muyu, but Yang Muyu was touching his nose and smiling bitterly. When did he have such a beautiful cousin? Well, I don’t know if it’s a cousin
"Don’t let?" The wife reluctance to say
Yang Tie still didn’t move. He looked at Yang Muyu and waved his hand to let his wife protect the girl’s calm face and went out. Until this time, Lin Xingcai seized the opportunity and asked, "Brother Yang, you said that the young lady wouldn’t really be the niece of the Lord of Qingyao City?"
"What is the matter?" Yang Muyu curious asks.
"We can’t afford to provoke such a person …" Lin Xing sighed. It is such a person that he really can’t afford to provoke the idea of chasing the girl in red just now, but now it is like being caught by a bucket of ice water from the beginning to the heel. It is better not to move that idea.
"Let’s go …" Yang Muyu wry smile way
"Hey, don’t be bitter with this face. There are thousands of students in this winner’s college, and there are 500 girls, and there are always beautiful girls who will always find opportunities." Lin Xing thought that he was worried about the girl’s identity in red, so he was busy laughing.
Yang Muyu shook his head and thought about the wife’s speech. I thought it would not be false. Wouldn’t it be embarrassing if I saw that girl again in the future once my identity was exposed? His father didn’t even bring a wife and niece? Think about it carefully. Yang Muyu is already white. This girl in red may be the princess palace of Qingyu Empire. At the beginning, the ghost servant once told him that Moqing married Mrs. huotang legally, but Qingyu Empire princess royal today’s Jin Di’s sister.
Then Jin Di’s daughter is naturally a niece of Mo Qing, which is really not wrong.
Yang Muyu can also follow his tone and say, "You said that there will always be a place you like among so many beautiful girls, but it is not necessary. What is a girl sad about?"

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