"Everyone be careful; This little practice is the ninth turn Xuangong, and now it has reached the third turn, which is not only powerful but also variable in size. At the same time, it also has the special axe skill of the ninth turn Xuangong. Don’t let its axe hit, otherwise even the fairy device can’t stop him from hitting an axe. "Yu Long saw that his side was so easily killed by a member on Sunday, and felt that his companions knew too little about the ninth turn Xuangong, and it was easy to suffer in this matter. Yu Long couldn’t help but hurry out and say what he knew at that time.

It’s those people who want to pass the information to their own side, but he forgot to consider one thing. Although other monks came to help him, they helped him for various reasons, but it doesn’t mean that they really have any revenge on Sunday. If they really have any damage because of Sunday’s fight, it’s really a question how many people will choose to help him.
Obviously; For this kind of situation, Yulong didn’t take into account the time when it revealed the information on Sunday. Although it is said that the information on Sunday is told to their own side, those people let them know what to pay attention to when they fight on Sunday, but when they know that Sunday is so difficult to deal with; The other monks are not afraid to retreat at that time because of Sunday’s strong strength.
A change in morale; Soon let the rain dragon perceive all this and find that since those people on their own side are one by one, they will have such a performance because of their stronger Sunday ability; It is absolutely impossible to say that Yulong is not angry; Yulong also knows that Eye really needs help from others. It’s not easy to win on Sunday by yourself, and finally you can beat Sunday; He has to get help from others. Even how gas rain dragon also can’t turn against others at this time of the eye.
Institute; As soon as I felt that the morale of those monks on my side was getting lower, I immediately said to them again at that time, "But you don’t take his avatar to heart too much, although he is very interested in practicing martial arts." But his attack can’t last long, depending on his current mana, he can chop three axes at most; He will return to normal level, and then I can kill him with my sword. "
"Cutting the Witch Sword" on Sunday didn’t pay attention to the other party’s arrangement. If the other party really recognized that he couldn’t have the ability to split the three axes, then he would be wrong. If Zhou Tianru didn’t have some other means, how dare they draft a head-on conflict until after his three axes? I must give him a surprise then.
What really surprised Sunday was what the other party said: "Cut the Witch Sword" in the Lich War: That witch sword is a famous magic weapon. The demon emperor deals with the sword cast by the twelfth ancestor. The sword in the hand of Yulong naturally knows that it can’t be true on Sunday, but even if it’s fake, it can’t be true with the power shown by the former flying sword on Sunday, but it has to be admitted that the other side’s sword is against him. It really has a certain threat.
However, compared with the threat of’ cutting the witch sword’, Sunday is more interested in the origin of the sword of Yulong. Although there is no definite position, Sunday feels that it should be regarded as a magic weapon to cut the witch sword, but it is not easy to cast it even if it is weakened by the ordinary demon race. Cutting the witch sword requires tens of millions of Terran soul sacrifices, no matter from which aspects; That sword is similar to magic weapons.
Terran just appeared at the beginning; Good luck is not how much the Terran can be compared with the former Terran. Now how many Terrans are also Terran soul sacrifices; The first tens of thousands of words to achieve the same effect now is afraid that it will take tens of millions of people to achieve it.
On Sunday, I don’t generally like this kind of thing of taking Terran blood sacrifice. Since it is a fake sword in the hands of Yulong, I have a small heart for Yulong’s weapon on Sunday. At the same time, I also left a snack for Yulong’s weapon origin on Sunday. I don’t know if Yulong is really like getting that sword. If it is good to rob others; If he does it himself; So …
At the same time, my thoughts flashed in my heart, but on Sunday, I shook my head severely and directly interrupted my train of thought. Now it seems that there is no need to consider that problem on Sunday. The rain dragon has already achieved this point. Maybe even the rain Dan king will not let such a dangerous man go in the end. How can he let him go on Sunday now? It is already redundant to think about those things on Sunday in this case.
After all those other messy thoughts in my heart, on Sunday, after looking at a group of dragons, it was suddenly that I once again showed a second attack on them.
Chapter two hundred and thirty-five Chase
You are reading the contents of the chapters of the celestial resources tycoon: Chapter 235 Chasing Chapter 235 Chasing.
Just as Yulong thought, three turns of magical power every Sunday is followed by the first two turns of magical power, and the magical power of the body is exactly what Pangu did that day. If you want to swing that axe on Sunday, even if you practice magic for nine turns, you may not have that ability. Even the method will play out the skill and power department of the day, but after that ability falls into the hands of Yulong, it is still a skill like a fatal blow.
Three turns of magical power; According to the strength of the eye on Sunday, three axes and three axes attacks are ten times normal attacks on Sunday. There is no power to stop him from striking at the base of the fix-true boundary. Obviously, the limit of skill power will also increase, just as Yulong estimates that on Sunday, he can chop three axes and three axes, and then he will lose his fighting power on Sunday.
Yes; Obviously, this weakness of the eye is not a problem for Sunday. Since the feature can help Sunday in healing, it can also help Sunday in restoring mana.
If the rain dragon is really desperate, Sunday can definitely fight and restore the original nine-turn Xuangong without making the three-turn avatar as an ordinary avatar many times. Eye at this time of Sunday is not ready to let the rain dragon they know this thing until the last moment, as this means, but also has to pit the rain dragon a mind in it.
Because of the plan in my heart; On Sunday, the second strike was a normal attack running towards each other, and at the same time, it was a direct axe splitting towards each other.
It’s Sunday. Although there is no magical power here, the other party is not clear about this matter. When they see Sunday rushing towards them, the other party can’t help but be anxious. What should I do if I let Sunday’s axe hit? No one can guarantee that they can block Sunday’s axe with one axe and one posture.
For this reason; In the face of Sunday’s attack, all Yulong and his gang directly chose to retreat and retreat. No matter what the attack was, they all chose to avoid it in the face of Sunday’s attack.
So a result is naturally a good thing for Sunday, but if it falls into Yulong’s eyes, he will naturally feel a little uncomfortable. He invited those people to deal with Sunday instead of performing the battle. When they encounter Sunday attacks, they will avoid such a play. Don’t say that they have so few people in their eyes. Even with a hundred times more people, it is estimated that the possibility of defeating Sunday will still be low to almost out of reach.
Yulong knows that it is not a way to go like this, but because his own personnel department is invited by him, for those people; The fact that Yulong is not too binding is that those people refuse to spell words with Sunday; He can’t really force those people to fight with Sunday.
Such a situation; Rain Long Nai bit his teeth and then he can make up his mind to let himself.
The other department came to help him because of his interest, but they were not as good as he showed. If he hadn’t flashed before he showed signs of defeat, even if someone surrendered, it would not be impossible.
Rain dragon is obviously impossible to make things develop into such a situation; If he doesn’t come forward, who can he expect to come forward?
Nai; Glared at the rain dragon mercilessly is there with great power on Sunday, and then it drives its magic weapon to stab the sword on Sunday.
Although the witch sword theory is used to speak; It does have some restraint on Sunday, but because the sword is hard to come by, Sunday also has the ability to destroy it, if possible; Yulong doesn’t want to have any conflict on Sunday. Others will attack Sunday or sneak attack on Sunday. At that time, it is what he wants to do most, such as cutting the witch sword in exchange for the chance that it may cause harm to Sunday. Yulong naturally doesn’t want to do that.
But eye rain dragon is already can’t tube so much, before the time comes, what an accident has just made up my mind, and then the rain dragon directly launched an attack on Sunday.
I don’t know if the rain dragon is still unable to completely control the sword in his hand. The flying speed of the sword is quite fast, but the rain dragon always gives people a very awkward feeling when it is controlled. However, due to the heavy traces during the flight, it was not urgent to really attack Sunday, and it was discovered by Sunday.
Facing the witch sword attack; Sunday didn’t dare to be careless. Before the other party contacted, it was already for Sunday to know that cutting the witch sword was really lethal to him, at least in terms of eye performance. On Sunday, when I turned to Xuangong, I learned that my whole body was comparable to that of the Great Witch. I was really careless with tofu to deal with each other’s attacks, and I was really likely to be hurt by each other again.
I have always regarded the magic weapon as something before because of the lethality of cutting the witch sword. At this time, I couldn’t help but be a little cautious. I didn’t dare to pick up the sword and attack it on Sunday, but when I saw the situation that the witch sword stabbed me, I just flicker to avoid each other. Return your hand with an axe, and at that time, your three-turn avatar showed an attack on it
"When" with a loud noise; The hand axe in Sunday’s hand was a successful one, and it hit the body of the witch sword, but the end result was that Sunday felt a little surprised.
"Bang" Sunday hit the target; The axe was as successful as originally thought, but it was not expected on Sunday that it was the axe that cut off the flying sword, but from the performance point of view; On Sunday, I knew that when I hit the flying sword root, it was not a witch sword.
Although the flying sword is similar in appearance and breath, it can be so famous that even Sunday’s defense can be achieved. If the sword body is not strong, it is impossible to believe it on Sunday.

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