The soldiers still didn’t speak. They packed their bags silently and then closed their eyes. Their rifles were all packed in a big black case, no matter in front of or behind the boat. No one could beat them. Only those who were particularly familiar with rifles could tell from them that these were not German weapons, Mao Se 19, but British Linfield rifles, not only rifles, but also a British Wilbury revolver.

By this time, 42 large and small ships and 15 medium-sized ships had sailed to the middle of the Strait, and the equipment and deep-water bomb destroyers were distributed around the fleet, which was responsible for escorting the central battleship fleet. After the German navy’s mine-clearing scale became larger and larger, more and more ships were put into use, the British navy’s mine production and deployment could not keep up with the German mine-clearing degree, so the British had better dispatch half of the submarines to protect the southern ports and harass the German ships in the English and Dover Strait.
At the forefront of Schell Fleet are six standard destroyers. These destroyers built in Konigsberg Shipyard were also the first to be modified. When Russia joined the Allies, the Baltic Fleet left a few poor patrol boats and gunboats to be transferred to the North Sea area.
At present, German destroyers are generally equipped with 24 receivers, including passive receivers and active ranging receivers, which mainly search for waves from targets. They are characterized by good concealment and confidentiality, strong ability to identify targets, and long reconnaissance distance, but they can’t detect static targets and can’t measure the target distance. Active acceptance can make up for the shortcoming of passive acceptance, but the active signal is easy to be intercepted by the enemy and its detection distance is short. Under normal circumstances, the detection distance of German passive acceptance is about 2 nautical miles, while the active acceptance is 1 nautical mile.
"Sir, there is a situation!" A sailor suddenly cried, and the officer on duty immediately took over his listening device. For these German naval officers and men, the goal of making mistakes was to cause trouble frequently, so the officer listened carefully for half a minute before determining that it was a submarine making noise.
"No.1 Na continues to monitor No.2 Na and calculate the target position as soon as possible!" After the officer finished speaking, he picked up the next sentence and reported the situation to the captain.
"It won’t be our own submarine again!"
Think of this problem, including the captain "Qi Teng" in many German destroyers officers and soldiers are very depressed. Although it is a very good tool, at present they have no way to actively identify the enemy and the enemy targets, so as to prevent accidental killing of German submarine captains. They are told that once a surface ship appears nearby, they will use special signal equipment to passively accept German surface ships, so that they can know that they are one of their own. The disadvantage of this is that destroyers need to wait for signals from the other side to identify the enemy and the enemy again and again after the submarine is present. As a result, British submarines sometimes slip away.
"Knock … knock … knock … knock …"
When this sound came from the listener, the sailors finally breathed a sigh of relief. This is indeed the week when the friend-or-foe identification signal faced the frequent activities of British spies, and the German navy also avoided the British submarines by changing the identification signal frequently.
The closer we get to the British coast, the more attention the German naval officers and men in the Schell Fleet will pay to them. It is not only British submarines, but also British torpedo boats that are small in size and hidden near British ports or small fishing villages. They can often escape the attack of German planes and airships and wander near the British coast at night.
A grand banquet in Berlin, Germany is under way.
Ambassadors, military attaché s and distinguished guests from Germany, Austria, Russia, Turkey and Bulgaria have different colors and styles. The banquet hall is decorated with colorful clothes and different languages. People are still chatting heartily, complimenting, touching glasses and beautiful skirts are the themes here.
Chen Tianhe and Erpitz are hiding in the corner of the hall like two hermits who don’t eat people’s fireworks, chatting with Lisa and Mrs. Erpitz.
Chen Tian looked around warily and then asked in a low voice, "There should be no problem with the action of the Secretary of the Navy tonight!"
"I’m afraid it’s hard for the British navy to create any trouble for us at present, but I’m a little worried that the commando team, after all, has gathered more than 200,000 square kilometers, more than one million regular troops and a larger number of militia in the British Isles. The British must be very heavily guarded."
During the period of attacking the British soil war, Erpitz handed over the specific actions of the navy in Berlin to heydrich and other naval generals, which made Chen Tian curious. It is a powerful country with six armies. In this era, Germany has emerged many excellent naval generals. From this point of view, he is much luckier than Xiaoxi.
"well! It’s a risk to send such commandos, but with us lurking in the British spy, they should have a good chance, or maybe they will turn the whole Britain upside down! "
It is a dangerous and exciting thing for people who have seen too many movies of World War II to go deep into enemy lines to carry out sabotage activities. If Chentian is an ordinary soldier, he will definitely ask to join this kind of action.
"If all goes well today, we will carry out three other operations as planned in the next week! I think the British people will be confused by us and can’t tell where our army is the main landing site! " The support of Erpitz is very important. After all, those airship crew members who throw airships are supported by the Admiralty in the Sixth Military Department. They participate in the bombing of Britain far less often than the ace sailors of naval airships.
"if I were kitchener and Haig, I would lose sleep all night!" Chen Tian is a little pitiful. Marshal kitchener, the minister in charge of the British soil defense 6 and Marshal Haig, the commander-in-chief of the soil defense.
In fact, I couldn’t sleep all night, and kitchener and Haig both received information that the second fleet of the German high seas fleet was leaving Hong Kong. After that, most of Britain was shrouded in panic. Hill, the British Minister of the Navy and commander of the Turkish fleet, even ordered the submarine forces to wait for an opportunity to attack the German fleet, and the main fleet hung up the battle card in Plymouth Port.
After experiencing the nightmare of "doomsday operation", the British are no longer willing to take the only fleet to risk. The German navy has made a fortune. More people are looking forward to the arrival of that American fleet. Britain and the United States have formally signed a secret agreement on land for fleet. However, in the after-sales issue of who will return that fleet to British soil, the American government believes that the fundamental law guarantees the safety of American sailors in this process, so it insists that Britain send people to the United States to receive it. Up to now, although more than 1,000 British sailors who lost their ships in naval battles have been sent to the United States. However, for that huge fleet, this is a bit of a drop in the bucket. In addition, the Canadian government has made friends with nearly 2,000 sailors, but those people have never served in warships. According to this situation, it will take at least three months for the fleet to reluctantly return to Britain, but in this case, the combat effectiveness of the fleet is really flattering.
Chi …
The naval airship of Schell Fleet Road suddenly threw several flares several nautical miles in front of the fleet. In some dazzling and dazzling light, a small group of British torpedo boats appeared in the distant sea. Although the airship’s night vision was not good, they could show enemy surface ships outside the detection range of German destroyers by virtue of their keen hearing.
Only half a minute later, a red meteor was drawn from the destroyer at the forefront of the German fleet and fell to the British torpedo boat. The German airship kept dropping flares, which finally exposed the British torpedo boats to the sight of the German fleet. Soon after, the main guns of the German battleship poured out large-caliber shells, and the poor British torpedo boat swayed like a storm in the middle.
When the lead L4 airship dropped the 23rd flare, there were some solitary floating objects on the sea in front of the Schell fleet, which saved the Germans the trouble of stopping to capture the British sailors.
Before and after the last flare went out, a special airship formation appeared behind Schell’s fleet. Those commando soldiers did not show much curiosity about the previous thunderous shelling, because they were destined to descend from the sky in this dark night thunderbolt and become the first German troops to board Britain.
When the special airship formation flew over, the escort navy airship of the Schell fleet also added and climbed. Two huge airship formations appeared in tandem on the ignorant British coastline. After that, the special airship formation continued to fly to Britain 6, while the escort airship formation stopped at Brighton, shining brightly again at night, reflecting a large area of the British coast, and then the clear night came thunderously again. The British beachhead fortifications soon fell into an explosion flame and thick smoke. According to the information from the former German spy, the artillery fire of the Schell fleet will also extend deep into the British position.
When the battleships were shelling, the escort cruisers, destroyers and minesweepers formed a warning circle around the battleships. The British people along the coast didn’t fight back. They quickly responded with all kinds of artillery. The dense water column kept rising on the side of the German battleships near the coast. However, the British had to admit that they had no advantage in all kinds of artillery in front of the Germans (it was not until the end of World War I that the British Sixth Army barely drove the German Sixth Army). The defense of the new naval fortress was acceptable, but the artillery in the rear was a bit old and shabby. The artillery position in the rear was to kill the Sixth Fleet and the shore troops.
When the British were busy with the German fleet fighting against or avoiding the powerful German artillery fire, the special airship formation flew silently to the wilderness 20 miles from the coast. After the orientation was determined, the airship doors were hit, and the commandos jumped out of the airship one by one, and gray flowers blossomed silently in the English night.
On the ground, Siegert and his companions silently watched this beautiful scene and the symphony played by distant artillery. They felt the beauty of war for the first time.
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Chapter 20 British destroyer
When his feet touched the cold and solid land, Lieutenant tobias’s heart finally got down to earth. In the middle of the day, he saw that the southern horizon was constantly flashing with fire. His black trench coat and gray parachute were not difficult to be seen from the nearby ground as the world drifted in and out. Fortunately, there were no fewer British troops in the nearby miles. Not yet.
Lieutenant tobias and his soldiers are a group of very lucky people. They landed on French soil when the first regiment was directly under the logistics regiment. This time, their newly formed g1 assault troops landed on British soil. German soldiers themselves were proud and proud to participate in this great action symbolizing courage and honor.
Soldiers wearing black windbreakers landed one after another. The first batch landed, and they took out rifles before the parachutes were folded. They landed after the perimeter was guarded, and the soldiers were responsible for folding the parachutes. After there were no parachutes, the soldiers gathered in tobias.
After dropping the commandos, the German special airship formation will continue to fly north without stopping. They will drop bombs near London to confuse the British with the purpose of this airship formation’s trip.
Soon two British officers on bicycles appeared in the sight of the soldiers.
"Sir, there is a situation!" A soldier shouted dozens of rifles at the two fast-moving figures.
The two British officers marched straight this way, and the barrel in their hands was still blinking rhythmically. tobias carefully observed it for a while and then took out the barrel to respond to the signal
"You don’t be nervous, they are to joint! Hurry up and pack your parachutes! "
The soldiers just put away their guns, and the petty officers ran back and forth to meet their own soldiers. tobias took off his black trench coat and dressed up as a standard British 6 th Army second lieutenant
The two British officers stopped in front of tobias. From their ranks, they saw that one was a captain of the British 6 th Army and the other was a sergeant 6.
"Hello! We are The Infiltrator, England, and have been ordered to meet you! " It seems awkward that the British army gave a standard German military salute but spoke fluent English.
"Hello! I am the commander of Lieutenant tobias’s special commando team! " Tobias responded with a German military salute and spoke English with a slight London suburb accent.
"Are you all here?" The British commandant glanced at the fallen soldiers behind tobias, who had folded their parachutes and were taking off their windbreakers and counting the numbers.
"There should be no problem with the small wind today!" Tobias cast a glance back, and it seems that it will be a while before he knows the result. So he looked at the two "British The Infiltrator" in front of him again, and the title sounded loud. The two officers looked young and handsome, and the success rate of applying for a beautiful man must be far higher than that of plain himself.
"You can call me Siegert and I like to be called Karen!" It’s a British second lieutenant, but these are not their names. For them, they are a cover code.
"Oh, nice to meet you!" Tobias shook hands with the two men. "Excuse me, I want to know where we are going to hide our parachutes and windbreakers?"
"There is a forest over there. We spent most of the day digging a big pit to bury all parachutes and backpacks. There should be no problem!" Siegert said, pointing to the east, but it looks dark from here.
"understand!" Tobias responded that he always felt that it was strange for two British soldiers to talk face to face, especially when they were wearing this yellow army, and it was very unaccustomed to wear the flat-topped belt along the cloth military cap.
After a while, an officer came running from behind to "report that 126 special commandos are fully equipped and injured!"
"Very good!" Tobias nodded with satisfaction. He immediately saluted Karen Wei and said, "Report that the special commando team is finished and can be out at any time!"
"Very well! Lieutenant, let your soldiers come with us! "
Soon, a standard British 6 th Army unit came out, and perhaps many British regular army units were not equipped with them. Everyone in tobias had a Wilbur revolver to increase their firepower in melee.
You know, due to the shortage of weapons, many people in the newly formed British army still hold all kinds of old weapons, and some militiamen have old rifles that can be put into museums. Under such harsh conditions, the British seem to have a unique patriotic enthusiasm. Many small factories voluntarily do not count as converting to military products, and no matter the quality of weapons produced by these factories, such as the shortage of light resources, it is enough to keep this huge war machine jammed
After walking in the field for about a quarter of an hour, tobias and his commandos came to Siegert to say that the soldiers threw parachutes, windbreakers, backpacks and everything that might reveal their identity into the pit because they were less worried about British weapons and ammunition
While the soldiers were filling the pit, tobias took out his cylinder and map and studied it.
"Wei, where are we going next?" Tobias still feels a little tired and uncomfortable looking at the English map.
"Er … here, the town of Lombok, south of us, is about 4 miles away from here, and there are 5 British checkpoints on the way!" Captain Cullen glanced at tobias as expected, and he was surprised at so many British checkpoints.
"Emperor 5! What are we going to do there? "
"According to our information, there is a British fighter squadron stationed there. They are the key points in Brighton’s defense! If we can get rid of it, the threat of British aircraft to our 6 th Army will be much smaller! " Karen explained
"Through five British checkpoints to blow up a group of British planes, I’m afraid we have to face a hundred times more British soldiers!" Tobias has some shame, which is even more exaggerated than supporting the armored reconnaissance team. In the event of an accident, I am afraid that more than 100 people will face to face with a large number of British soldiers.
"Blowing up a British ammunition depot, raiding a British division headquarters and robbing a heavily guarded vault are not simple! Let you prepare yourself before the second lieutenant! " For spies like Karen, danger is the keynote of their lives.
"Robbery vault? But how can we move the gold? " Tobias was very surprised that the wealth of the British people was indeed a ball, and the people coveted it in their dreams.
"No, we don’t want to take the gold and make sure there is any gold in it. If there is, we will throw them into the street and let the British go crazy to grab it; If not, we have to report to the level! " Karen said calmly and then looked back at the soldiers who filled the pit. "Dead leaves and old soil next to them are covered at the top!"
"Wei, do you say that we have to complete the other three?" It was only after bypassing Jin that tobias remembered that the other two were not easy for more than 100 people to complete unless they were all enemies.

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