Before stepping forward, the crimson flame condenses on the right fist.

Generate broken roar that shadow wall in the middle of the wall has been blown a big hole is fierce Yang eats.
Ji Dong’s body stepped into the dust, as if he wouldn’t turn and stride forward.
"What person? Dare to make trouble in Juefu "great movement has attracted the attention of people in Shijue Mansion. A dozen able-bodied men are surrounded by two middle-aged people dressed in strong clothes, like a hospital.
Ji Dong stopped and his eyes shone brightly. "Tell Shi Jue Shi Dalei Shi Xiaolei to come out and die."
Two people on the left side of the hospital were furious and waved "take"
The dozen able-bodied men immediately rushed to everyone’s hands with sticks in their hands, and they went straight to Ji Dong and surrounded by the cat in the sky like a hungry tiger.
The harsh red light shines from Ji Dong’s head, symbolizing the three crowns of the master of C fire. Seeing his fingers flick at ten o’clock, the Mars blaster comes out. His dexterous fingers control that every Mars meets a strong man.
For the magician, these Mars are nothing, but they are more than enough to deal with these ordinary people.
It’s like a big firecracker exploding, and then the young men explode in front of them. These people are suddenly blown to pieces. Is it that ordinary people can compete with Ji Dong’s desire to kill indiscriminately? It’s ordinary fire. However, despite the three crowns of magic and the increase of the double brightness of the sun and the moon, his own magic far exceeds the cohesion of ordinary magicians, which still makes these young men suffer greatly. Their arms are the lightest, and their reaction is a little slower. They are directly hit by Mars and immediately fell into a coma. In the past, a dozen people Ji Dong flicked his fingers like cutting wheat.
Looking at the three crowns and two nursing homes above Ji Dong’s head, his face suddenly changed. Even the three crowns of Tiangan College are able to get started, but there are also abnormal places like Yin and Yang students. The bottleneck of the three crowns is that most people can break through the barrier all their lives.
In a hurry, the two nursing homes released magic at the same time, namely, defending the soil and Geng Jin, but there were only two crowns on their heads.
Tiptoe point to Ji Dong, the whole person has been swept out of the body and flashed out a series of ghosting images when sliding on the ground. The speed is almost instantaneous and he came to the front of two nursing homes.
Ji Dong’s speed is really too fast. The two nursing homes felt that the flowers at the moment had not waited for them to react, and that their bodies had left the ground at the moment when their necks were tight.
"Helping the abuser to kill"
Boom two groups of C fire broke out from Ji Dong’s hands at the same time, and the two men suddenly turned into two fireballs when he grabbed his neck and held it high.
Ordinary people who are not magic masters can leave their hands, but these magic masters will never let go of their strength to help abuse and bully ordinary people. Just because they are willing to be Shi Jue’s accomplices, they will take the road to death. Although Ji Dong is overbearing, he is by no means a careless person. After he followed Yun Tianji into the secret city, he has made many inquiries about what Shi Jue did, which is really as outrageous as what Yun Tianji said. The people who were asked were either afraid to say a word or resentful and eager to eat meat, especially for those magic masters who helped him.
Two fireball-shaped bodies were thrown directly into the depths of the courtyard, and two crystal crowns with light golden light fell. Although Ji Dong didn’t know what the crystal crowns of mainland magicians with the same light and five elements were, he waved away and moved on.
Look at some stunned magic skills behind Ji Dong. What is this magic skill that is overbearing? Even if there is a gap between the two crowns and the three crowns, it should not be the gap of instant seconds.
After three months’ practice in Suzaku Cave, Ji Dong has finally practiced his fierce Yang and dark moon Yan for thousands of times. His skill is a newly realized skill of fire king hitting Yang Hunting. This seems to be a simple and quick catch. It is by no means so simple. Ji Dong’s body rushed out of the moment, and it was extremely difficult for him to avoid this catch or resist it. You know that what Ji Dong did when he used to play Yang Hunting was just fire C, which was his first time in actual combat. Unfortunately, his opponent was weaker and did not make him feel the true essence of Yang Hunting.
In recent months, apart from self-cultivation, Ji Dong has been thinking about the problem of the five elements interacting with each other. Although he managed to escape when he was surrounded by Huang Lifeng, the suppression of the five elements at that time also gave him a great shock and made him realize clearly that although he has dual attributes and extreme double fire, this does not mean that the complementarity and mutual resistance of the five elements in this mainland full of magic of the five elements is the way to bloom the strongest magic skills. Unfortunately, although he realized these things, he has left Tiangan College, and he can rely on his own exploration to ask the teacher for learning.
At this time, Juefu was already in chaos. The ordinary servants watched Ji Dong as a demon king, and he was scared to flee the whole front yard.
Ji Dong didn’t stop and strode forward through the front yard into the second main courtyard.
There is a certain reason why Shi Jue can be the king in the secret city. In this short time, forty or fifty people have gathered in the main courtyard. The first five or six nursing homes are all magic teachers with crowns of yin and yang, and two of them have reached the triple crown level.
See Ji Dong and cloud cat stepped into the courtyard immediately surrounded the two people around the central.
Shi Dalei is a group of people who have changed into clean clothes and a face of malice. They have to look at the two men and say to the three crown magic masters, "The two uncles are their water, the cloud is the secret, he has abolished his second brother, and the other is his accomplice. I must let them survive and not beg for death."
Counting Shi Dalei, there are two three-crown magic teachers and five two-crown magic teachers in the other side, which is already a lot of strength, and these people have been able to scrape together enough five elements from the attribute. He just thought of this. First, a three-crown magic teacher has drunk and commanded everyone to release their magic. The five elements of magic brilliance with a temporary yang attribute suddenly appeared in the main courtyard.
Dozens of able-bodied men have retreated. For ordinary people, even before the suppression of the lower five elements, they have no room to fight back.
Ji Dong reveals a sneer at the corner of his mouth. "Just because you want to suppress me, too?" The intense fire of C instantly transformed into the red flame around the original body, and instantly turned golden. The violent and overbearing extreme pure yang breath of the flame of C-noon Yuanyang instantly bloomed into a strong masculinity, and the golden flame behind Ji Dong suddenly appeared, and the virtual shadow of the king suddenly appeared.
The reason is that the five elements are suppressed, and my heart is heavy. I clearly feel that the magic of my water is affected by the breath of Ji’s departure. It seems that my body is actually a force. At the same time, he also clearly feels that the spirit in the whole courtyard seems to be broken. The glory of the five elements in the middle is instantly broken by the soaring masculine pride to form the five elements. Almost at the same time, my body trembled and my eyes showed horror.
If you want to suppress Ji Dong with the Five Elements attribute, you also need five magic teachers who form the Five Elements array to be extremely angry. Are the two kings so easy to suppress?
At this moment, Ji Dong’s body moved, and everyone felt that the gas was instantly distorted. It was like a golden meteor sticking out of the ground. For a moment, Ji Dong’s body had come to the front of a Geng metallic triple crown magician, and his right hand was wide open. The whole palm of his hand was fully expanded by a circle of bright golden flames than himself, and he directly grabbed his opponent’s neck.
Ji Dong’s speed is really too fast, but his opponent can’t be compared with the two magic masters with two crowns in the front yard. Although this Geng Jin magic master with 34 magic powers was overwhelmed by the five elements, he responded at the first time. His fists burst into harsh white magic and condensed into a sharp cone more than meters long. Chapter 100 Devil? Devil?
As for Ji Dong, it was like a shooting star rushing to the ground. The magic master with three crowns of Geng Jin made the most correct choice. Obviously, he has a lot of actual combat experience. Although Ji Dong is fast, he is not as fast as others.
But yang
Seeing that the white magic condensed metal pointed cone stabbed Ji Dong in the chest, suddenly the Gengjin Magic Master was horrified to find that his magic seemed to have no resistance. Ji Dong’s body was strangely twisted. A golden flame that he had never seen before almost instantly covered his metal pointed cone in the eyes of others. The metal pointed cone really stabbed Ji Dong in the chest, but Ji Dong’s body touched and it melted at the same time. When Ji Dong successfully grabbed the neck of the Triple Crown Magic Master, the metal pointed cone had disappeared. Is it so easy to resist the fourth skill of hunting Ji Dong to inherit the flame king except the nirvana?
Geng Jin’s three-crowned magic division is quite strong, and its body is held high above its head. At the same time, at least three magic divisions have attacked Ji Dong’s body.
A cold pole angry hum sounded a huge noise, and Ji Dong’s Gengjin Magic Division had melted into a golden flame, which just met a two-crowned Magic Division and attacked the body like a huge golden fireball.
Roots don’t need to go to see the two crowns being contaminated by the flame of Bingwu Yuanyang. How can they resist? At the same time, Ji Dong didn’t dodge and suddenly ignored the side. Another Renshui two crowns sorcerer had to attack and punch before stepping forward, and it seemed that his body was instantly pumped by the flame of Bingwu Yuanyang, and he went straight to the opponent with a fierce punch.
If Ji Dong gives people a feeling at this time, there are only two words that can be shaped, and that is wild.
Ji Dong had to move too fast. Yu Yuntian had just rushed from his previous position and wanted to help him, but it was impossible for him to do so. However, in the eyes of Yun Tianji, Ji Jigen, the golden shadow of the king of humanity behind the golden flame, did not need help.
Another three-crowned magic master is a magic master who is indispensable anywhere in the Middle Kingdom. This three-crowned magic master is obviously full of fear of Ji Dong. He is covered with a layer of rock armor with a thickness of half a foot, which is obviously a special magic skill, which is why he was one step late when he made his move.
Bang …
Fierce yang eats each other’s rock armor wrapped fists and abruptly collides together. At the same time, the attack of the two-crown Renshui Magic Division next to it also leaves Ji.
The black magic left her and disappeared instantly. Even Ji Dong’s body didn’t shake. But the positive three crowns defended the soil magic teacher and felt an unparalleled explosive force blooming in front of him.
The rock armor of his fist has burst in the loud noise. At the same time, a strong golden flame instantly swept over his body, and the sun fire brought him high fever. He snorted miserably, but he was dragged back by a strange suction force.
"Can’t the stone burn?" Ji Dong’s cold smile on his face made a sharp contrast to his violent and overbearing attack. His shoulder has also hit his opponent heavily at this time. This is the first person who can make him do magic tricks after he came to the Shijue Mansion.
In the afternoon, the effect brought by the overlapping outbreak of the fierce fire of Yuanyang in Bingwu is that it is divided.
The scattered golden flames blocked several of his two-crown magic divisions. The Renshui magic division who had previously attacked Ji Dong was even more contaminated by the Yuanyang flame in the afternoon. How could his two-crown-level Renshui magic want to fight against the extreme Yang fire in Ji Dong?
Sumeru’s two deaths and two serious injuries were the strongest in the opponent’s two three crowns. Seven magic divisions in the magic division have already gone to more than half. How is this domineering?

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