When Mao Wenlong arrived at Yuan Dushi camp, Yuan Dushi was smiling and waiting for him to say with smile, "Let’s go to the mountain to see Mao Junmen."

At this time, Mao Wenlong has learned a lot about Yuan Dushi’s nature. He smiled and said, "Thank you for your kindness."
Busy with beside the Yuan Dushi with a smile.
Shuangdao this hill is not high and the terrain is not too dangerous. Although it is already late autumn, the vegetation is not too yellow, dry and still dense.
In less than half an hour, the two had climbed to the top of the mountain.
Yuan DuShi then laughed "Mao Jun door to play also didn’t eat breakfast? Officer, by the way, they also prepared some breakfast. After breakfast, the officer also wanted to see Mao Junmen’s elite warrior shooting. "
Mao Wenlong couldn’t help laughing. "Thank you for your kindness."
Said Mao Wenlong, motioning with his hand to his adopted son and QinBing head Mao Chengzuo with QinBing go to the bottom of a boulder flat ground to eat breakfast.
While the people of Mao Wenlong followed Yuan Dushi into the tent not far ahead with a smile.
But just entering the tent and not waiting for Mao Wenlong to sit in Yuan Dushi, he suddenly changed his face and shouted coldly, "Mao Wenlong, you are arrogant and arrogant, and you know your sin!"
Chapter 1127 Blood spatter, column beam collapse!
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Mao Wenlong was shocked when he thought that Yuan Dushi had turned his face and cried, but he reacted for a moment and glared at Yuan Dushi. "What do you mean, Duchen?"
But Mao Wenlong’s voice just fell off the account and suddenly rushed into several lean knife and axe hands. The goal was very fast and ran towards Mao Wenlong. The first person was Xie Shangzheng with a ferocious face
Although Mao Wenlong is a military commander, he is more like a civil servant and military commander. His kung fu is not outstanding and his figure is not very magnificent.
Plus at this time, he has passed the year of knowing his destiny. How can he be the opponent of Xie Shangzheng, a young and strong, armed knife and axe hand?
For a moment, Mao Wenlong has been firmly moved.
"What do you want with Yuan?"
Rao is that Mao Wenlong is so stupid that he realizes that the situation is not good at this moment.
He simply never dreamed that this Yuan Man should be in this broad daylight in front of the mountain, and dozens of his confidants will play with thousands of Dongjiang Army and Southern Liaoning at the top of this hill to start work on him.
Can’t help but struggle desperately
Xie Shangzheng see Mao Wenlong so sth over and over again can’t help but want to come and give Mao Wenlong a handle, but just before half a step, he suddenly froze.
This is no ordinary prisoner.
This is Mao Wenlong, the founder of Dongjiang Group and the elder of Li Yuanqing.
Last night, when Yuan Dushi asked Xie Shangzheng to plan this matter, Xie Shangzheng was somewhat guilty.
Although he did it under the threat of inspector yuan, he was careful everywhere to make it true, but his anger would not wave to him afterwards.
Others in Dongjiang Xie Shangzheng is really not empty, but I think of Li Yuanqing’s sharp eyes and Xie Shangzheng’s feeling that his back will be chills.
If let Li Yuanqing this character to stare at that he Xie Shangzheng this generation can also have a good …
Fortunately, Yuan Dushi concentrated on Mao Wenlong at this time and didn’t notice Xie Shangzheng’s small move here.
Yuan DuShi sneer at to Mao Wenlong way "Mao Wenlong your body company commanders officer of Dongjiang army is deeply loved by the court, but one person is in Dongjiang Liaodong, who is headstrong and free to be a bitch! It’s a kill if the money and food of the army and horses are not checked by the court! "
"You played the throne are false exploits blind jun blind court exploits are false ShouGong! Killing surrendered soldiers and refugees should be killed! "
"Ha ha ha! Hahahaha! "
Mao Wenlong couldn’t help laughing. "Yuan Man wants to be guilty? I thought you had something real. I didn’t expect you to be such a mean person! Hahaha! Hahahaha! "
Inspector Yuan was ashamed and angry, but for a moment he couldn’t stop sneering, "Mao Wenlong, you are arrogant and arrogant, and you should kill the Jingshi and Nanjing!"
"You don’t have permission from the imperial court to associate with foreigners around Pidao Private Horse Market, and then you should kill them!"
"Dongjiang soldier’s pay hundreds of thousands a year! You don’t distribute the soldiers’ pockets, but only give them two or three buckets of rice to make a living. Five should be killed! "
"There are thousands of officers named Mao in the ministries of the East Commander. Your bearers and pawns are all dressed in official robes to treat the people, but you can’t even eat six meals. You should kill them!"
"In recent years, you have set sail privately to plunder the surrounding merchant ships, that is, officers and soldiers and robbers. Seven should be killed!"
"You collect people’s beautiful women’s lust, and I don’t know that the law and order departments have followed suit to make Liaodong angry and complain, and the people should be killed!"
"You secretly imprisoned refugees to satisfy your selfish desires, smuggled ginseng and smuggled medicinal materials, but anyone who didn’t obey you was brutally killed by you! It’s nine to kill! "
Yuan Dushi just said that Mao Wenlong would interrupt and refute, but by this time he was too lazy to refute, but he couldn’t help smiling at Yuan Dushi.
Yuan Dushi cried even more angry. I didn’t expect that this Mao Wenlong fellow had not repented at all. It’s really reckless!
"Mao Wenlong you secretly make YanDang several times to smuggle property into Beijing to offer Wei inverse! Even on the island, I should kill the statue of Wei Nizhuo to build a shrine! "
"The battle of Tieshan in North Korea was a losing battle, but you fooled me with Li Yuanqing’s achievements. The court suffered heavy losses and didn’t know it! Eleven should be killed! "
"You have been in Dongjiang Town for years, but you have burned down Zhenjiang City, but you have the strength to March, but you have to die!"
"All the crimes in Mao Wenlong are conclusive evidence in black and white. Do you have anything to say?"
Yuan DuShi said fiercely drew a waist sword pointing at Mao Wenlong neck.
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ….."
Mao Wenlong is afraid of parody, but it’s best to laugh when he hears the day. "Yuan Chonghuan, you are a traitor and a villain. You collude with the door regardless of the day and oppress the people regardless of the interests of the imperial court to enrich your personal ambitions! Even here, Bai Duan slandered me indiscriminately! Aren’t you afraid of being cursed? "
Yuan DuShi entranced by great anger.
Never imagined that it had come to this time that Mao Wenlong was like a cooked duckbill!
How can he plan to deploy in the future?
Maybe it’s too angry
In particular, Mao Wenlong’s sneering and contemptuous eyes completely stung Yuan Dushi’s most sensitive nerves.
Yuan Dushi don’t know exactly where the strength comes from at the moment, just like being possessed. The sword consciousness in his hand is fierce towards Mao Wenlong’s throat!
Mao Wenlong which thought of Yuan Chonghuan should be so rude? Dare to start work on him at this moment.
Add Mao Wenlong at this time the body was behind these knives and axes hand moved how can there be too much resistance?
Listen to the snow for a moment
A sharp sword pierces flesh and blood.
Mao Wenlong’s eyes widened.
Yuan DuShi little black hand is also a trembling consciousness and threw his hand in the heavenly sword to the ground.
But at this time, Mao Wenlong’s throat wound was like a fountain that first appeared on the ground. Poop-poop-poop hot blood actually spewed out and sprayed directly on Yuan Dushi’s face
Xie Shangzheng and the surrounding knife and axe hand QinBing cried all scared.
Xie Shangzheng’s heart is more like a dead blow.
Didn’t we agree to take Mao Wenlong and escort him to the capital for questioning? How is this …
The throat is that core lifeblood of a person.
In ten seconds, Mao Wenlong’s throat spewed blood, and Yuan Dushi was almost dyed into blood.
Yuan Dushi has forgotten his fear at this time. He just wanted to let people quickly treat Mao Wenlong’s injury, only to find that Mao Wenlong’s head is out of control and hanging down.

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