It is because their club chairman is so stingy that he basically only sells people every year in the later period, but doesn’t buy people. La Coruna has a net income in the transfer market every year and has no expenditure at all.

Even a coach like Irueta, in the end, a clever woman can’t cook without rice, and the results of leading the team are getting worse year by year, and finally he left class, and La Coruna also fell into the second division.
No matter what you do, winning will not help the club’s financial problems.
This is the second time that he has encountered financial problems in the team while coaching.
Getafe almost went bankrupt directly, and was finally entrusted by the bank.
Valencia is better. After all, it has a solid foundation and some inside information. It is no problem to maintain the normal operation of the club, but it is necessary to take a long-term view to pay back the money.
The event of Valencia’s equity change continued to ferment.
Francesco Roig, the former president of Valencia Club, stood up and criticized Oti’s ruling policy: "Valencia has achieved such good results in the past two years, why is the team’s financial situation still unsatisfactory? Why do we still need to live frugally? Every year, we have so much income in the transfer market. Selling Ibrahimovic made us earn 40 million yuan, and selling mendieta and aimar is 60 million yuan. This is a hundred million yuan of income. Why is our debt still unresolved? "
"Roig, the scumbag who robbed in troubled waters!" Oti dropped the newspaper on the table, with a picture of Francisco Roig printed on it.
"He didn’t fish in troubled waters, he just took the opportunity to get back at us for robbing him of his club presidency." Pitarch shook his head and said. "I used to call to care about this matter. I told him not to worry. The change of the club’s equity has nothing to do with the team."
Oti nodded: "You did the right thing. At this time, the team cannot be distracted. "
After that, he wanted to say a few more words, but suddenly he didn’t know what to say.
Sohler is obviously well-prepared and menacing. And Roig to help him speak, although Roig’s reputation in Valencia is not very good, but he still has his own relationship and prestige in the capital world. Although I have Cortez’s support here, Cortez has little influence in the capital world.
And as far as he knows, some shareholders who originally supported him have switched to Sohler’s side …
I’m afraid I’m run this time.
Chapter two hundred and forty-seven Roig
Although pitarch told Changsheng on the phone, he didn’t need to worry about the change of the club’s equity.
But how can Changsheng not worry? Sohler hates his guts. If Sohler comes to power, he will always feel that he can submit his resignation directly.
In addition, now Roig has jumped out to criticize the club’s transfer policy, and criticized Changsheng by innuendo for taking all the money, resulting in the club still owing a debt.
Ever-victorious is never the kind of person who can suffer indignities. Moreover, Roig also talks about transfer funds, and ever-victorious is angry.
He doesn’t care how many shares Roig owns. He dares to fight with the shareholders of Real Madrid. What is Roig?
So the next day, Changsheng responded in the media.
"Roig had better shut up. Talking in a field he is completely unfamiliar with can only make people feel deeply sorry for his IQ."
When Otie saw the news, she covered her face with her hand.
The team was finally dragged down by the storm.
It seems that the scale of this power struggle will not be small.
It’s not convenient for Oti to say something, but pitarch can. The general manager of the club then responded to Roig’s criticism: "Roig used to be the chairman of the club. Before he sold his shares to Sohler, he was the third largest shareholder of the club. He can’t help but know how the club operates. He just said that to throw dirty water on Mr. Oti. Mr. Oti has been president of Valencia for two years, but he has never taken a penny from the club! The fact is that we are now in debt of 169 million euros, and it is impossible to solve the debt problem if all the money we often earn in the transfer market is invested. But the club always has to survive … I think I don’t need to explain these things to Roig? "
Roig fought back against Chang Sheng and pitarch respectively.
It’s just that the focus of his firepower is obviously on pitarch. In his eyes, Changsheng is just a head coach. Spanish football is not English football, where the chairman has the final say, not the "manager".
"pitarch is lying. In fact, the debt of the club has reached 198 million euros! How did such a huge debt come about on the premise that the club won the championship in succession? Mr. pitarch manages one club at a time. I really applaud his management level! Besides, please don’t take Mr. pitarch for saying that Oti didn’t take a penny. I feel anxious for him. As we all know, in Spain, only the club presidents of Royal Society, La Coruna and Mallorca get paid, and the presidents of other clubs are’ volunteers’ who serve the club for free. Everyone is the same, what is there to show off? "
For Chang Sheng, he just understated one sentence: "Those who haven’t won in four consecutive rounds should consider their own team first."
Naked contempt.
"Where did this Roig come from?"
On the way home from Partner Sports City, Changsheng asked Rudy Gonzá lez who was driving beside him.
This kind of thing naturally he can’t ask Oti directly, so he has to ask Rudy Gonzá lez, who is known as Spanish football knowledgeable person.
Although he has been in Valencia for two seasons, his relationship with the top management of Valencia Club has not been straightened out. He usually only has direct contact with Oti, pitarch and llorente. He has little contact with other senior members of the club, especially those shareholders who have never seen the dragon before.
Although they are shareholders of Valencia, they all have their own things to look after, and they don’t just come to the club for nothing. Even the president of the club, Oti, has to take care of his family business for 50% of the time, and will not go to the scene to watch every game, especially the away game.
"The former chairman of the club, the former biggest shareholder. A famous member of the Roig family in Valencia. " Rudy Gonzá lez is really a Spanish football knowledgeable person. When things about Francisco Roig come to hand, just open your mouth and say.
"The Roig family loves sports, and Francisco Roig is a fan of Valencia, so he bought shares in Valencia in 1994 and became the shareholder and chairman of Valencia. Juan Roig loves basketball, so in 1986 he became the management of Valencia Pamesa Basketball Club. Fernando Roig entered Villarreal in 1997 and served as the number one shareholder and club chairman of Villarreal Club. "
"Sounds like a loyal supporter of a club."
"Yes, Roig is a die-hard Valencia fan. Valencia Club is a wonderful club, which is famous for its fierce infighting in Spain. There have always been three factions within the Valencia Club, namely Jaime Otti’s faction, Roig’s faction and Sohler’s faction. These three factions are fighting all day. Today, if you have the upper hand, you will try your best to suppress the two outer rows. Tomorrow, the other faction will have the upper hand and suppress the other two factions … And the three factions are United, so although they have been fighting, they are still quite balanced on the whole. Nothing serious happened. But who knows that this time Roig and Sohler got together … "
"The last time Cortes resigned due to physical reasons, three people participated in the competition for the president of Valencia Club, Jaime Oti, Juan Sohler and Francisco Roig. At that time, Sohler wanted to buy Roig’s shares to win the competition, but at that time, Roig still had illusions about his return to Mestalla, so he refused Sohler’s suggestion. However, Roig lost badly in the presidential election, and he only won the approval of one percent of the minority shareholders … I think that Roig suddenly sold his shares to Sohler this time, which was probably hit by the election result. Before, he felt that he still had a lot of influence in Valencia, but now … so he has been honest for two years, otherwise Roig is not the kind of person who is willing to be lonely. "
"He sold his shares to Sohler, and another reason should be to give Oti trouble. He was very unhappy with Oti, even more than the relationship between Sohler and Oti. This time he is determined to let Oti step down. "
Changsheng heard Spanish football knowledgeable person say so firmly, and asked, "So Sohler is likely to come to power?"
"Not very likely, but one hundred percent sure. Sohler now owns 61% of the shares, which has exceeded the previous provision of 50%. Why did Oti, Sohler and Roig run for office in the first place? It was because none of them owned more than 50% of the shares. This is the need for a fair campaign. As long as one person’s shares exceed 50%, he can be appointed by the board of directors directly to become the new chairman of the club without running for election. Now all Sohler has to do is impeach Oti successfully. It was clever of Sohler to ask Roig to attack the club’s financial problems. Because if they say about the team’s achievements, they will be swollen by you. However, financial issues are the most concerned by shareholders, so his move is very smart and his chances of winning are high. "
Rudy Gonzalez’s analysis made him feel that his future in Valencia suddenly became bleak.
He sighed and asked Rudy, "Is there anything we can do?"
Rudy Gonzá lez shrugged: "With the relationship between you and Sohler, I think it is the most correct thing for you to pack your bags in advance and be ready to leave at any time."
Hearing what he said gloated, Chang Sheng rolled his eyes: "You seem to be able to stay. Don’t forget that you are my person in Sohler’s eyes … "
"Who is your man? People have girlfriends and children! "
"Don’t interrupt! You and Elias are both from my faction, and when the time comes, I will leave, and you are not much better. "
Rudy snorted and stopped talking, but drove intently.
Changsheng also fell silent, and he was lost in thought. If Sohler comes to power, where will he go?
Changsheng is not really worried about Rudy Gonzalez. He feels that he has left Valencia, and Rudy Gonzalez must follow him. After all, I have been working with Rudy Gonzá lez for more than three years. From getafe to Valencia, it may be difficult for both of them to find a better collaborator than each other.
I will definitely leave with Rudy Gonzalez, and Rudy Gonzalez will not stay. He has no loyalty to Valencia.
Elias Dominic, on the other hand, has to say hello to him himself.
After all, people came to Spain from Germany because of themselves. He is also very aware of his bad relationship with Sohler, and if he is driven away, Dominic will be fired in all likelihood.
At that time, is Dominic willing to go with him? He is not sure. Maybe he will choose to go back to Germany?
When I persuaded him to come to Valencia, I made great efforts and even arranged a warm-up match with the team he played for … It was barely a "public use".
That’s how I persuaded Dominic to come over.

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