Both the imperial court and the Yellow turban insurrectionary said,’ God helps me,’ so who will God help?

Chapter eighty The Battle of the Long Society is over
Huangfusong strode straight to Chengtou. In the deep night, only a large fire could be seen in the distance, which should be the camp of the Yellow Scarf.
Li She has been paying attention to Huang Fusong, trying to see why Huang Fusong has such confidence.
Huangfusong looked at the yellow scarf camp in the distance and laughed. "The yellow scarf will be broken!" Then he shouted: "Fire!"
"Fire?" Li said to himself, where did the fire come from?
The following wonders answered questions for Li She.
I saw that a little spark began to appear in the whole body of Huangfusong, which drifted slowly along the wind. Although some of them were blown out by the strong wind on the way, Huangfusong kept producing sparks around him, and quickly went away with the strong wind.
Li She looked at the direction in which the spark drifted away, and immediately opened her eyes wide. That direction was the camp of the Yellow Scarf. Is the fire attack in history going to reappear in this way?
At this time, the yellow turban insurrectionary army, which didn’t sleep, suddenly saw the stars floating all over the sky, and was fascinated by this rare beauty for a time, and all of them were crazy.
Bo Cai’s lieutenant shouted: "Qu Shuai, come out and have a look! Wonder! "
Bo Cai was also very curious. It was indeed a spectacle. The dark sky was covered with many starlight, reflecting a dazzling beauty. Bo Cai subconsciously reached out and took a little falling starlight.
"psst!" It hurts, as if it had been pricked by a needle. Bo thought it was his illusion. This time, he grabbed it and his hand immediately hurt.
This is a burn! Bo realized.
Bo Cai looked at the stars all over the sky, then at the camp of Zhou Zhou’s secret script, and immediately broke out in a cold sweat and shouted sadly, "Withdraw! Get out! "
Unknown so, yellow turban insurrectionary soldiers, retreat? Evacuate what?
"Didn’t you hear that? I want you to retreat immediately and stay away from this spark! " Wave is high drink a way.
"Good! Fire! " Suddenly a foot soldier shouted in horror.
It’s not too late for Bo Cai to react, but it’s a pity that he was still a step behind. Only one fire started, which triggered thousands of trends. The wind helped the fire and immediately ignited a raging fire.
The yellow turban insurrectionary foot soldiers all froze for a moment. What’s going on? Just now, I was in a bad environment as beautiful as a fairyland, and how I was in the inferno in an instant.
"Still leng why! Run! " Wave to drink a way, the yellow turban insurrectionary foot soldiers to react, are on the run.
Then Bo Cai ran to Zhang Bao’s camp with Sineitai. On the road, he met Zhang Liang, who was equally flustered. But when they eagerly entered Zhang Bao’s camp, Zhang Liang was still doing things for men and women.
"Why didn’t you inform me first!" Zhang Liang didn’t mean to blame, just a little annoyed. After all, they are all top people in the Yellow turban insurrectionary.
Zhang Liang hurried forward and threw his clothes on Zhang Bao. "Hurry up, second brother!" he said urgently. Get dressed quickly, it’s full of flames outside, we have to run out quickly! "
"what! Fire! " Zhang Bao was surprised and didn’t even wear clothes. He went directly to the outside of the camp and saw that it was blazing, but the wind was not this way, and the fire had not spread, but it was already fast.
"Run! What are you still doing! " Zhang Liang ran away directly.
"Second brother! Clothes! " Zhang Liangbo quickly caught up.
"kill!" At the gate of Changshe City, Zhu Di gave the order, and the imperial army killed it in a mighty way, aiming at the distant place where the flames were blazing.
Li and others are also in this group of teams, and the shock in their eyes has not dissipated. This is the counselor’s skill! This is completely the ability to control victory! Although I don’t know why Huang Fusong and Zhu Xi are defined as people with counselor skills, only in this way can we win the battle of Changshe!
Otherwise, two more Huang Zhong, maybe deus ex can, but never win.
The power of the counselor is outrageous!
Li She thought that counselors were just like in history, giving advice or something, but now she completely subverted Li She’s concept.
Li She had doubts before. How can a valiant soldier like Lu Bu be captured and killed by others? Now, after seeing the power of the counselor, Li She has no doubts.
What about you, Lu Bu? Can you reverse the victory of the war by yourself? Can you kill thousands of troops by yourself?
You can’t! But nature can! Counselors use the power of nature to give you a fatal blow, just like this monstrous fire in front of them. In the face of this hot fire wave, the yellow turban insurrectionary soldiers only have to flee.
Li She never wanted to be so eager for the counselor now. Since seeing Zhu Xi using the’ earth’ skill, Li She felt that the counselor was definitely not simple. At this time, there was no objection. Li She vowed to get a top counselor in her hand.
At present, only Jia Xu has news, but Ding Tao still keeps his mouth shut. Li She and Ding Tao haven’t known each other for a long time, but she thinks that Ding Tao is a very nice person, and he can be a close friend, so he is even more embarrassed to ask Ding Tao for information about Jia Xu.
Then who else? On the March, Li She has been thinking deeply.
Xun Yu? Chen Gong? Guo Jia? Xu Shu? Or Tian Feng and Ju Shou?
Where are these gods going to find them? Alas!
"What’s the matter, Brother?" Qin Ming worried.

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