Hurd reported that the news had just arrived through the railway line.

Zhu Jinglun nodded. "Good is good news."
This is the first real fortress that the army seized from the French army, and it is also the first real battle. The hard battle army won!
However, Zhu Jinglun is more concerned about "what about the French navy?"
Unlike the Ministry of War civil servants, Zhu Jinglun obviously has a deeper understanding of the sea. If the land is the cornerstone of a regional power, the sea is the world’s hegemony. Without the sea, even the world’s countries are not so powerful, and the German army is not as powerful as the world’s influence. They also project their influence on the big country.
Hurd explained the situation again when he saw that Zhu Jinglun had just got up and the emperor was still puzzled.
"The French navy quietly left Hong Kong on the eve of the army’s attack. At present, the navy is searching south to find the main force of the French navy!"
Zhu Jinglun nodded. "Do I know if I found them?"
Sure enough, the enemy would not cooperate with the navy and planned to let the army cooperate with them. As a result, the French did not cooperate with them. After the army surrounded Haiphong, they knew that they could not hold on here and had long planned to leave.
Hurd shook his head. "There is no news yet."
Hurd added, "Go and have a rest. Tu Shan has already called here. Don’t worry if there are ministers staring at you."
Zhu Jinglun said, "I’m not sleepy yet. Please tell me the details."
Hurd simply said that it was said that the army was pretending that the engineers had built a ladder leading to the cliff from a hidden steep slope with iron drill and hemp rope, and then climbed it in the middle of the night to blast the French semi-buried reinforced concrete bunker.
The other bunker was connected to the ammunition depot and blown up together, and then the French soldiers surrendered. However, the engineers made great sacrifices to build the ladder, and more than 50 people fell and died while climbing the rope ladder with explosives on their backs. More than 30 people finally climbed the cliff, and more than 20 people survived after the blasting.
"They are all martyrs!"
Zhu Jinglun observed a moment of silence. China never lacked martyrs, but lacked memory. Instead, he had no heroes.
Zhu Jinglun firmly said, "History should remember them! I want their names to appear in the headlines of the newspaper and arrange for me to meet their families. I need to express my gratitude to them on behalf of this country. "
Hurd nodded "yes"
Zhu Jinglun looked at Hurd. "Hurd, we will win this battle."
Hurd is also very firm. "I believe it!" rw
Section seven hundred and one War break
The high efficiency of the wartime pavilion allowed Zhu Jinglun to meet the families of 120 martyrs killed in the explosion of Tu Shan fortress three days later
Zhu Jinglun expressed his country’s apologies to the white-haired fathers and heartbroken mothers, but none of them could get their children’s sincere gratitude, but this country’s attitude was never to forget that a martyr is a disgrace to every nation, because every martyr has a name, and their name changed because the motherland behind them didn’t want to remember them!
On that day, the Japanese set up files for each of their sacrificial troops, carved tombstones, and managed to send their bodies back to China for burial after the war. When their martyrs’ bones were lying in an unknown corner, we were so popular.
Invaders’ Day has no martyrs, no war criminals. Invaders in Germany have no martyrs, no war criminals have won, and the Soviet Union and China have martyrs.
After conquering Tu Shan, it not only means that the offensive and defensive war of Tu Shan fortress is over, but also the whole coastal defense campaign is over. Because the French navy left the port, it means that the French gave up here. After being surrounded, an isolated port has no strategic value. The navy gave up here and captured the fortress. Not only did the mainland army occupy favorable terrain, but the big navy also threatened coastal defense from the water. The French did not intend to stick to it. Everyone left with the navy, and they were allowed to surrender.
Just as Zhu Jinglun met the families of the martyrs, the French coastal defense army also sent messengers with white flags to negotiate surrender. At this time, they stayed in the coastal defense forces with 2,000 people, while the army had at least 100,000 people in the periphery and 200,000 reserve troops could be reinforced at any time.
For Italy, the surrender of the army is the best result, because they can keep the coastal defense port facilities, so they don’t know if the French didn’t choose to blow it up for this reason, but handed it over to Italy. Will they recover it sooner or later, and it will be unnecessarily destroyed by French assets? Or do the defenders not want to be angered by destroying the port facilities and keep it here, so that the life of their prisoners can be better?
It is of little significance to the army to accept the coastal defense port, because the army does not need it here. The army finally controls the railway from the border to the river. However, it has its own way to the navy. However, it means that the navy has obtained the Beibu Gulf sea control, although the fact that the sea control was handed over by France.
Kaki, an American, saw the news from the newspaper that he had conquered coastal defense. He was quite fond of China people’s understanding of this new American industrialist. For some reason, he was quite fond of China Confucianism, especially the idea of benevolence, which he constantly flaunted to his friends.
China people can certainly drive the foreign invaders out of the side wall, which is proved time and time again by history, and each time they successfully drive out the invaders, they will become stronger than before. In Kaki’s mind, it is obvious that history has driven out the invaders again and again, while the Manchu Dynasty in the north is an foreign aggressor. Although his understanding is different from that of China literati, he thinks it is a fact.
Kaki came to Guangzhou for the second time. The first time was years ago. His steel industry has already reached a considerable scale, so he made an oriental performance like many successful people in this era, stopping in India, China and Japan respectively.
He likes the craftsmen of these three countries very much. Their craftsmanship is so exquisite. China’s English name A means Porcelain Day. means lacquerware. They are all famous craftsmen in the west. Their income is really too meager. Japanese craftsmen earn 15 cents a day, and Indian workers earn 4 rupees. Can people always be on the verge of starvation?
Japan’s reform was very radical, but it made him dislike western-style clothes instead of uniform clothes. When Kaki saw Japanese women showing off their clothes, hairstyles and makeup, he felt that the Japanese abandoned them and should be elegant and mysterious in the East. How could their women dress so ugly?
China people are very nice. They are still wearing their own clothes. They are still from China. They fell in love with China drums in Guangzhou Kaji. He bought ten different drums from craftsmen. This time, he fell in love with Guangzhou fans and bought ten different fans.
This time, he didn’t come to visit, but he came to do business. Ambitious China people planned to build a bridge on their mother river, but they found that the only one in the world with rich experience in building bridges in big rivers was an American, and Kaki’s keystone Bridge Company was the first company to build a steel bridge on a big river. They were the first company to levy a big river like Mississippi River.
Twelve years ago, when it was still in a depression, KaKa hired top bridge designer James B. Izz to build a mile-long St. Luis Bridge on the Mississippi River. Coincidentally, China people planned to build the first bridge on the Yangtze River, which was also a mile long.
They are going to build this bridge in Hankou to connect the north and south of China. Kaki thinks that once the bridge connects the north with the south, China people in the south can easily cross the Yangtze River, which is a natural defense line. Therefore, he ponders that this bridge may mean more to China people than just a bridge. The more China people need this bridge, the better the deal, and the higher the price.
Unfortunately, Kaki was a businessman of their railway company, not a soldier dressed in Chinese armor as he imagined.

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