Xu Yan heard Lin Yu say this, and then Lin Yu smiled at him. He snorted, which meant you were smart enough.

Purples eyes staring at Xu Yan and Lin Yu Lin Yu is still a face of easy purples, a pair of moist eyes turned scarlet, and she desperately climbed to the top of Lin Yu’s mouth and sobbed, "Lin’s adult! Lin … My Lord, please help us! Save our master! "
Yu’s family knelt and kowtowed with her when they saw purples, begging Lin Yu to save them. The Chiang family all followed the big lady to kowtow to Lin Yu.
Lin Yu smiled and nodded when she saw this spectacular scene. She asked Yu Shi, "Do you voluntarily go back to Shuntianfu with the official?"
Where is Yu’s choice?
If you don’t go back to Shuntianfu with Lin Yu, you will be sent to the prison of punishments. The former has at least a glimmer of hope and the latter is desperate!
Yu’s thought was strengthened and he kowtowed to Lin Yu. "I beg the adult Jiang family to be the master to save the Jiang family and find my adult!"
"Diao woman! Jiang Tao’ s crime of corruption has been settled. Are you still lucky? " Xu Yan glared at big scold a way
How can Ling Xue feel that this Xu Yan provokes Lin Yu? Say that finish, it’s really good to gouge out Lin Yu!
Lin Yu scratched his ear and felt nai Chao Xu Yandao "Xu’s adult, you see people don’t want to go back to punishments with you."
Xu Yan looked at Lin Yu strangely as if he had heard a big joke. "When is it my turn for the Chinese law to choose the yamen?" Joke! "
"Criminals can’t choose, so we can choose?" Lin Yu heels at Xu Yan blink.
Xu Yan huffs and puffs. If it weren’t for Lin Yu’s position as a new top scholar and not too low, I’d like to tie her up and throw her into the prison of punishments!
However, he seems to have found another reason to suppress Lin Yu’s Xu Yandao. "Lin Yu, don’t forget that you are also a left assistant minister of punishments and an official department. Although the emperor allowed you to mention the position of assistant minister of punishments again in the year, you are also an official department now. Are you qualified to choose prisoners with officials?"
Yo, yo, yo. Did you drag it? !
It’s still there!
But Lin Yu has a headache. It’s also true that Jun Chen really gave them a position. In addition, she really has the position of left assistant minister of punishments. But it’s also said.
It’s a new year’s report!
"Xu’s adult just now, you yourself said that Emperor Xu’s official year will once again describe the post of punishments, that is to say, this year’s official is Shuntian prefect. Is Shuntian prefect in charge of cases of both capital city and size even disqualified from arresting prisoners?" Lin Yu laughed
"You! You want officials to rob you, don’t you ! Ok! What can I do for you? " Xu Yan temper comes blurted out
It’s just a big talk. People can smell the smell of explosives clearly in the words.
He’s just bullying Lin Yu. He’s five senses. He’s three officials!
Lin Yu was struck by his words, but he didn’t strike back, so he tried to hold it back.
At the end, he shouted at him with full strength, "You fart!"
You!’ Xu Yan’s eyes stare bigger than the belt, and his fists rattle as if Lin Yu could be crushed in a moment.
"Someone will take everyone in the Chiang family back to Shuntianfu!" Lin Yuhao angry roar even Xu Yan brought guards were he shout a step back.
Xu Yan, such an old-fashioned person, certainly doesn’t know that Lin Yu’s treacherous cunning is a dark face and looks at a face of black, red, black and red "bold! You have repeatedly provoked the official to take you back to the yamen and teach you a good lesson! "
"Officer is today’s top scholar Huang Qin sealing sunchon prefect emperor this you dare to try? !” Lin Yu momentum not weak stare at Xu Yan.
Xu Yan grinned and said, "Lin Yu lied and didn’t even make a draft." This fart!
"The emperor like this? The officer can still take you! Somebody! Take it! " Xu Yan was provoked by Lin Yu, but he didn’t think about the consequences of this.
Lin Yu corners of the mouth to stir up a bit evil smile saw a few five big three thick guards coming towards him, hand shan rope potential to tie him into a jerk back to punishments to eat torture.

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