Hey! This SiTuPing ah, if it weren’t for the cat disruptor’s behind the scenes, everything would still be in our hands, but now it will take some trouble. "

At this time, being recited and calculated by Qi Shuming, Situping, a pretending guy, is sitting comfortably in Zhongyang Sword and flying slowly in the sky leisurely. He doesn’t seem to feel anyone calculating him or his roots.
Song Chang-geng didn’t leave this time until he saw that there was no flaw after the array was arranged in Simen Mountain. When he was not in a hurry, he slowly flew leisurely and looked at the scenery while flying.
He was enchanted by this feeling of enjoying all the things in the world, but when he passed by Chengdu, a golden light chased him.
Chapter seventy-six Invited
Second, it’s really cold and cheerless. There aren’t many votes to recommend the collection, but I still have to grind my teeth to update it. I hope you can give me some collection recommendations after reading it. Thank you, brothers and sisters. Give me some motivation
This golden light turned around him twice and fell to the ground to see each other. Song Changgeng didn’t mean anything. He also fell with a flying sword to see who it was. What’s up?
The disappearance of golden light shows that three people in the village are actually masters of the jade Qing concept of ward off evil spirits, and the other two young men and women are the ones who saved the Zhang brothers and sisters outside the city.
See Song Chang gung after landing jade qing master jiao laughs "I also you have gone back to osmanthus mountain? I didn’t expect you to be hanging around here. Isn’t there anything here that makes you miss someone? Giggle. "
Looking at this girl, Song Chang-geng, who is like a young girl with a double decade, deliberately stared at her plump breasts and joked, "Yes, I will never forget it when I saw Master Yan that day, but I have been wandering here."
"Bah! Hu said, what are you looking at? Do you think I’m stupid? Less fake in front of me "jade qing master red face jiao cui way at the same time quickly glanced at dumbfounded the zhangs’ brother and sister in the mind very much.
Song Chang-geng was very happy when he saw Master Yu Qing’s light anger and thin anger. He said sadly, "The fallen petal is interested in falling in love with flowing water." Love things? "
"All right, let the children joke that I’m looking for something serious." Biting her rosy lips and blushing, Master Jade Qing changed the subject seriously.
However, Song Changgeng still caught a trace of loneliness and naita’s wisdom from her eyes, but returned to normal expression and asked Master Yu Qing, "I don’t know what can I do for you?"
Master Yu Qing hesitated and said, "Do you know Grandma Jin, the fairy of Hengshan Mountain in Nanyue? Her apprentice female Fei Xiong Mei and female Dapeng Cui Qi got into trouble in Daijiachang, Hunan Province, and are looking for help everywhere.
A few days ago, they found me here, and the women Wu Wenqi and Zhou Qingyun, who will stay there, please go. When I was away, these two little guys persuaded me to go sightseeing.
On the twentieth day of the first month, my master came to see that the two children had good qualifications and allowed me to accept this little girl as an apprentice, but if we didn’t accept the boy’s brother’s place at the door, the child would have no landing. "
Then she pointed to the young men and women and pointed to the girl and said, "This little girl’s name is Zhang Yaoqing and that boy’s name is Zhang Qi. I want to find a teacher for him in Daijiachang. I didn’t expect to meet you."
"You don’t want me to accept him as an apprentice? It’s no good coming, but look, after his sister is an apprentice with you, we will have an excuse to meet, hehe. "
Song Chang-geng said cheekily, Look at him. Master Yu Qing is a coward, but there is no way. She wants to fight well with the Emei Sect. Now that the Qingcheng Sect has also risen, it is natural to fight well
She said with a straight face, "Do you agree? Agree that’s settled. "
How can you not agree to Song Chang-geng’s own plan, and also win over a diaspora master like Master Yu Qing? Now that he has the opportunity to deliver the door, how can he not agree at once?
After Zhang Qi’s ceremony, Song Changgeng laughed, "I just have nothing to do. Why don’t I go to Daijiachang with you to see if there is any fun?" Said with a flash of excitement in his eyes.
When Song Chang Gung took care of Zhang Qi and Zhang Yaoqing, two brothers and sisters who couldn’t fly swords, they took out the’ Taiyi Jinlin Boat’ and surprised everyone to take Master Yu Qing together.
Of course, she knows that this is a magic weapon designed by the naked corpse God, and now he has taken it, so it seems that the Xuanwu egg should be true, otherwise there would not be so many magic weapons available.
When they found this small mountain village in Daijiachang, Hunan Province according to the address left by Xiong Mei, a female flying girl, Song Chang-geng was now ruled by his second brother Tai Zhu Cilang.
I said that my second brother has been here for nearly twenty years, but I didn’t come to see this master, and I didn’t know what my apprentice had cultivated.
This Daijiachang is not far from Changsha City, Hunan Province. The terrain in the mountains is dangerous and remote. It is difficult for ordinary people to walk. The traffic is not up to the mountain closure, and all aspects are backward.
From the’ Taiyi Golden Scale Boat’ and’ Mirror’, we can clearly see the epitome of the whole Fiona Fang ten miles. This Daijiachang is in a small basin surrounded by mountains, and there are more than a dozen such places nearby.
However, Song Chang-geng saw from the "mirror" that there were Daijiachang in these small basins and the other small basins which were the largest adjacent to that small basin were not as big as Daijiachang.
In Daijiachang, I circled twice and chose a wide place. Song Changgeng lowered the’ Taiyi Jinlin Boat’, but before they went out, someone had already arrived.
First came five swords, followed by ten vertical jumps. The men and women fighters came first and fell behind, showing a man and four women. They all looked at’ Taiyi Jinlin Boat’ in amazement.
To the man and two other women to attack’ Taiyi Jinlin boat’ was stopped by two other women. Only after Master Jade Qing came out did everyone know that they were all one of their own.
____ _w_w_w____ ___o_m
Song Chang Gung put away the’ Taiyi Jinlin Boat’ before coming to Jianli with you. Four middle school girls, Wu Wenqi and Zhou Qingyun, already knew everyone and said hello.
Master Yu Qing introduced him to another man, Huang Xuanji, a brother of Three Immortals in the East China Sea, but now he has been convicted and kicked out of his legacy.
The other two young girls are Nanyue Hengshan Fairy, Grandma Jin, Luo Ziyan’s apprentice, Xiong Mei and Dapeng Cui Qi, both of whom are beautiful seventeen-year-old girls.
After a brief introduction, while Master Yu Qing was talking to others, Zhou Qingyun quietly took Song Changgeng to one side, but before he spoke, his face floated with a blush.
By looking at her, Song Chang-geng knew that the method of integrating her mind into each other’s hearts had produced some effects, and Zhou Qingyun had some feelings for him, although it was still very shallow.
Calm down, Zhou Qingyun said in a low voice, "You left in a hurry when you were in Jade Qing Temple, an evil village. I didn’t come to ask you. When you gave me flying swords, you said there were still many flying swords, didn’t you?"
"Yes, sister? What happened to you last time? Is there a problem? " Song Chang Gung didn’t ask strangely what Zhou Qingyun wanted to do with flying swords.
Chapter seventy-seven Immortal feud
The third night, I have to nurse patients before going to the hospital. Look, I’m still trying to update a copy, and I’m trying to recommend something to my collection. Look at my own collection recommendation record. It’s really poor brothers and sisters. Give me some motivation. Thank you.
Weeks light cloud white his one eye Chen way "I’m so stupid? A flying sword can still go wrong. My senior sister destroyed the flying sword in Ciyun Temple. Now there is no one. If you have one, give it. "
Song Chang Gung hasn’t answered the ten men and women fighters who followed the vertical jump. They have arrived to get to know each other briefly, and these people seem very happy to know that they are all one of our own.
One of the lean middle-aged men warmly invited everyone to talk in the house, so the group walked a long way to a large courtyard in the village and sat down in the lobby before introducing it in detail.
The lean middle-aged man is the head of Daijiachang and Bao Zheng. Because this is a mountainous area with inconvenient transportation, the official power hardly extends here, and the whole Daijiachang has set up a Bao Zheng.
According to Dai Hengyu, the head of Daijiachang, this security is actually very comfortable. It is to collect taxes and apply for a registration to manage public security. The official base of the struggle between the two villages can’t be managed mainly.
I didn’t know that the old man named Ling Cao was a relative of Ling Xuehong, the late wife of Bai Guyi, and that his only daughter Ling Yunfeng had made Song Changgeng look at it carefully.
The girl who is only twenty years old impressed him the most is that her eyes are firm and cold. Her body is tall and plump because she has been practicing martial arts since childhood. Her cold temperament has formed a special charm.
Other people are not special, except that young man named Bai Qi and Dai Hengyu’s sister Dai Xiangying and Ling Yunfeng’s fiance Yu Yunzhong let him pay attention to one.
There are no special places left, such as Xia Monk, disciples Zhao Xinyuan, Xu Yue and Xu Wei Qing, and naturally they can’t attract his attention.
When Master Yu Qing introduced him to everyone, he also said that he was the third generation brother of Qingcheng School. Others didn’t say anything. In her opinion, did you tell these mortals about cutting the green robe bodhi old zu?
Song Chang Gung was also happy that everyone didn’t pay attention to him, but Zhou Qingyun didn’t let him go. After the introduction, everyone found him while chatting with each other.
Seeing Zhou Qingyun coming, Song Changgeng couldn’t help smiling bitterly and hurriedly took out a handful of seven flying swords from his right waist and handed them to her without giving her a chance.
After he took the flying sword, Zhou Qingyun went to find the female Wu Wenqi. Song Changgeng couldn’t help thinking,’ People say that money is not white, so it’s true. Just send it once and you’ll be stared at.’
However, he has already considered these problems to cope with this situation. When he left Xiaoyao Island in the South China Sea last year, he specially took one hundred seven flying swords to cope with this situation.
When I saw Zhou Qingyun take the past flying sword, the four girls got together and laughed. Ling Yunfeng and Dai Xiangying were able to sit next to each other, but although they envied each other, they couldn’t say anything.
Speaking of these four female swordsmen, they are both about the same age, but the collar is really envied by these two girls who love martial arts, but unfortunately they can’t blend into other people’s small circles and sit with them enviously.
I asked Bai Song Chang Geng how many mouthfuls there were. Xiong Mei, a female fly after flying swords, blushed and said to him before leaving, "Brother Situ, would you please give me one more mouthful of flying swords?"

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