When the camera returns to Ronan’s face, he doesn’t seem to realize what happened at the scene.

He roared out this sentence smoothly, but his voice did not fall, and the scene sounded sparse and fell to the ground.
"Bang …"
"Bang …"
"Bang …"
Goofy spread his hand to Ronan. "Is this the noble and excellent Kerry soldier?"
Ronan was amazed and hurriedly went back to see that the Kerry soldiers behind him had been knocked down, and they were lying in a mess.
"This is … what did you do?" Ronan, the accused, asked a rather stupid question because he didn’t really see the high flight just now.
He couldn’t believe that an earth person would have such a strong ability and even be agile close to the speed of light.
Goofy nodded sincerely. "Of course it’s me."
Then he asked, "It seems that it’s your turn. Say it, Ronan. How do you want to die?"
At the same time, Goofy backstage is crazy about harvesting worship values.
[From Rocket Worship +5]
[From Grut Worship +5]
[From the worship of Peter Quayle +5]
[From Camelot Worship +4]
This is the first time that these new friends have seen Gao Feili release the last ten armed Kerry soldiers in a blink of an eye, which they have never seen before.
"I have to say it was a wise decision that we didn’t escape from prison," the rocket whispered to Grut. "Otherwise, you would be a rotten piece of wood and I would probably be a dead raccoon …"
Grut nodded "I am Grut".
Star-Lord stare big eyes low to kamo pull way "it seems that goofy police officer teach you that blue sister or hand, otherwise her mechanical head really don’t have to carry him a punch …"
Carmela didn’t have a quick laugh. She was too lazy to talk to Star-Lord, a greasy middle-aged second grader.
While Ronan hasn’t answered Goofy’s question-how does he want to die?
He can’t answer this question.
Because Ronan doesn’t want to die yet.
Although he saw Goofy easily harvesting the field as soon as he shot, Ronan still felt that he and Goofy still had a fighting capacity.
I can’t help it. Ronan is so confident!
"Stupid earth person you you powerful about my life and death? ! You are too arrogant! You overestimate your own ability! "
"I am a Cree noble Cree! My army is invincible in the universe! We have extinct several articles! "
"And the earth this humble planet! This backward planet! It’s not worth anything in my eyes! "
"I am God for you earthlings! Is the high master! I can make you all human by flipping the palm of my hand … "
The voice did not fall, and a loud slap sounded.
Goofy slapped Ronan backhand and said seriously, "Don’t talk about this. How do you want to die without answering my question first?"
Ronan was stunned by Goofy’s slap in the face and stared at Goofy. "You … you dare to hit me? The humble earth people tried to beat the noble … "
Goofy is another slap in the face.
"What’s the matter with you? What happened to hitting you? "
Goofy is extremely arrogant.
"By the way, I’ll explain to you that slapping a dozen people in the face is an extreme insult to the earth. After all, as the saying goes-hitting people does not hit them in the face."
Rockets: They saw Ronan, the commander-in-chief of the "dark asterisk", the leader of the open Kerry, being beaten and swollen. His face was thin and turned into a eggplant face, and he burst out laughing instantly.
The Rockets and Star-Lord laughed horribly low, and Grut didn’t get any better. Even Carmela, who has always been cold, couldn’t help laughing. The visual effect was really funny after the blue-skinned Kerry was beaten and swollen.
Ronan doesn’t know whether he is angry because of the ridicule of the rockets and others or because of the humiliation of Goofy. Anyway, he is furious now.
"ah! ! !”
The noble Kerry growled like a woodchuck and waved his hammer wildly at Goofy.
"Go to hell! You damn earth person! "

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