"Is it difficult for us to be free and happy now?" The beauty looked at him tearfully.

"No Nastasia you are not white! I … I am not an ordinary person! " By this time, Igor did not have to worry about revealing his identity.
"You are not an ordinary person!" Nastasia held his face in his hands. "Otherwise, you can’t steal my heart!"
Igor was almost heartbroken. "Dear, how I want to show you my heart! I love you so much and I want you to take risks!"
"Then why don’t you want me to stay?"
"I …" Igor hesitated and struggled for the last few words in his mind, but he was still one step away.
At this moment, Nastasia suddenly said goodbye. "Well, since you have decided, I will do it for you!"
Igor is silent
After getting dressed, Nastasia left Igor’s room without looking back.
Before that, she finally knew the true identity of this "Nikolov" and the purpose of coming here, and promised to steal the German fighter design drawings for him.
Igor smoked one cigarette after another after Nastasia left.
Slowly, he felt regret that he had dragged Nastasia’s head into this matter.
Gradually, he became depressed, because it was really hopeless to let the first weak woman in Nastasia steal confidential information. In this way, it was better to wait patiently for the opportunity or simply forget everything in the past and stay here honestly.
This simple and outstanding designer would never know that during the period when he came to Konigsberg from Rotterdam by train, the German intelligence department had a general understanding of his true identity, which could not be attributed to the high efficiency of the German intelligence department. The Russian state also played a big role in opposing the Queen’s forces. Some of these people were revolutionary, some were persecuted, some were dignitaries, and some of them were unwilling to live in white terror. Of course, some people worked hard purely for the German money. This group of people always formed a special force in Russia. They joked that they were subversive living in the waterways of St. Petersburg.
Tu Mei Chapter 55 Battle of wits
"The geographical environment here is really unique. No wonder it will become one of the largest and best naval bases in Germany!"
Prince Hirohito expressed such feelings in the lighthouse overlooking Konigsberg Harbour.
It is true that Koenigsberg Bay is located in the southeast of the Baltic Sea. Looking at the Swedish coastline across the sea, although it is not the only way for passing ships, the fleet stationed here can quickly go out of the middle of the Baltic Sea. It is necessary for the fleet to have enough strength to control the whole middle of the Baltic Sea.
From the topography alone, Konigsberg Bay is an almost closed narrow triangle with a length of about O kilometers, the widest point is 35 kilometers, and the narrowest point is only 10 kilometers. Two pine forests are densely packed sandbanks. Cape Coorsh and Cape Weisling are the natural barriers of the Baltic Sea in this harbor. There is only one narrow channel with a width of more than 1,000 meters. There are strong battery groups on both sides of the channel, and the retractable anti-submarine net is added. All these make ships or fleets trying to forcibly enter Konigsberg Bay have to think twice.
There are two main ports in Koenigsberg Bay. One is the port of Pilao, which is located at the entrance of Koenigsberg Bay. There are many deep-water berths here. It is not only the base of Germany’s Baltic Fleet, but also the coastal defense fortress of Germany. The other port where Pilao fortress is located is the port of Koenigsberg, which is located in the southwest of Koenigsberg city. It is the whole East Prussian shipbuilding center and an extremely important commercial port. The port of Koenigsberg distinguishes the northern military area from the southern civilian area. The port garrison and airport are all in the northern military area, and the ordinary ship maintenance dock is located in the southern civilian
"Can we go over there and have a look?"
Hirohito refers to the northern shipbuilding area of Konigsberg Port.
After a small discussion, the head of the Konigsberg Navy, Major General Alexander Kaelz, commander of the port garrison, and Major General Dominic Lorenz, commander of the Baltic Fleet, agreed to the Japanese request for a visit, but the Japanese entourage were not allowed to walk around the shipyard at will.
Hirohito agreed to the terms of the two German generals, but on the way to the shipyard, he made a look at the accompanying Japanese naval officers. Konigsberg is a big rising star in the German shipbuilding industry. Germany’s earliest anti-submarine destroyers and submarines with the best performance came from here. Most of the aircraft carriers came from here, and the intelligence personnel of military powers did not want to sneak into this dragon cave. Unfortunately, the entire Konigsberg area is always heavily guarded, and it is even more difficult to steal confidential technical information.
After half an hour’s walk, Hirohito and his party led by Germany came to the military area in the northern part of Konigsberg Port. They saw that the military area was protected by a heavy barbed wire fence, followed by a number of warning towers and watchtowers, and teams of patrol troops led by German dogs.
Before entering the military zone, Hirohito looked up at the three flagpoles fluttering in the wind at the door. On the one hand, it was a black and white red German flag, on the other hand, it was a black vulture cross flag, and on the other hand, it was the flag of the German Empire-the blue background, the silver sword and the golden shield were helmets, cannons and eagle dolphins. That was also the flag of the Prince of East Prussia.
Walking along the straight and wide cement road in the military zone, a group of people soon came to the shipyard. Looking at the coast, the number of docks built was amazing. On the easternmost side were some small and medium-sized docks. In each dock, there was a ship under construction. Some boats were more than 2 meters high and less than 50 meters long. Some boats were close to 3 meters high and 100 meters long. Some of them were destroyers and other light ships. There were about more than 50 ships.
Hirohito didn’t find what he wanted here. Compared with these docks, the specifications are more uniform and the number is more at best. After going a little further, the number of workers gradually increased. The docks are also larger than those under construction. Most of the ships are medium-sized ships with a length of 15 to 2oo meters, but it seems that they are not just cruisers. There are about 20 docks, among which four or five ships are under construction.
A Lutheran entourage did not introduce the meaning to the Japanese at all. They walked forward with their heads held high, and Hirohito and his entourage followed as slowly as possible.
The medium-sized dock is farther west, and the color of the sea water is gradually deepening. The dock scale here is obviously larger, but the dock productivity has dropped a lot. It took Hirohito a long time to see that three 10,000-ton ground ships are under construction, and it seems that they are all large cargo ships rather than battleships from the hull.
Hirohito counted a total of 17 large docks here, which means that 170,000-ton warships can be built at the same time if it is necessary and the funds, manpower and material resources are sufficient.
After walking through these docks, the two German generals in front whispered a few words and then asked a major to go to the back and tell the Japanese, "The front is our aircraft carrier construction area!"
This sentence immediately excited the Japanese visitors, but this excitement lasted for just a few seconds and then swayed by the Dangdang slipway in front.
"What about the aircraft carrier?" Hirohito squire called out very much.
The German major squinted at him. "Don’t you know the Washington Naval Treaty?"
The Japanese suddenly realized that according to this international naval treaty, Germany can own five aircraft carriers, and the Mother Duck has been given to the Japanese navy. The remaining Lisa and Prince were completed before the war, and the Zeppelin, Erpitz and ruprecht were built last year, that is, in 1917. Although the three newly-built Zeppelin-class aircraft carriers have not yet officially entered service, they are not stupid to stay in the harbor.
"It seems that the Germans have abided by the naval treaty!"
Just now, I asked the Japanese squire that I was a little embarrassed to write a novel beside Hirohito.
Hirohito was a little disappointed to keep moving forward. Although there was a lot of noise some time ago, when the Turkish government jumped out and announced that it was an aircraft carrier they ordered from Germany, countries were speechless. According to the Washington naval treaty, the Turkish navy had three aircraft carrier construction quotas, but so far they have not built any of them. Although the displacement of the Kemal was marked, it has attracted many countries and offended the Germans and Turks too much.
Before leaving the large dock area, Hirohito saw a row of curved greenhouses painted as dark green as the surrounding environment. After pondering for a while, he thought it should be a German submarine dock, but the Germans did not seem to plan to take them there to visit.
"This way, please!"
Just now, the German navy major held out his left hand in front of the Japanese and motioned them to turn to the north when there was still a kilometer away from those greenhouses.
"Why not go there?" Hirohito squire asked unceremoniously
The German major told them, "There is a fuel depot over there, which is nothing to see and very dangerous!"
"Fuel depot?" The squire, who is less than thirty years old, has obviously stayed in the palace for a long time, and his expression and tone of speaking to non-royal people are very bad.
The German major didn’t mind his patient explanation that "it’s a flammable and explosive fuel depot with heavy oil in it!"
The squire looked back at Hirohito, and Hirohito’s eyes were fixed on the other side.
"Please!" The German major once again asked them to go north.
In this case, Hirohito was not strong enough to "visit" in the past, so he walked in the direction of the Germans with a long face. However, just after the big party turned the corner, two Japanese naval officers followed, pretending to pee while the Germans were not paying attention, but quietly left the team.
Hirohito and his party went on walking. They have walked less than 5 kilometers so far. It is not a comfortable thing to blow the sea breeze in this winter, but the Japanese are worried that they will miss something important by car, and the Germans are willing to make them tired early, so no one stops driving.
After walking for about a quarter of an hour, they came to an arc-shaped factory shed, which was also gray but much larger. The day before yesterday, they were told that it was a production vehicle for aircraft carriers and ships, and they could go in and visit it.

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