"What does the younger brother think is wrong?" Don’t have the heart to his brother’s young mind has a shadow Qin Lan looked at him tenderly and asked.

"I … I shouldn’t have hit Master Dong Gu!" In fact, Qin Lanrui didn’t know what he had done wrong. He knew that his family had caused great disaster, but Dong Huaichen was older than him and Bao Gang, and he kept bullying them. He couldn’t help but learn boxing to teach him a lesson.
"Elder sister heard that this young master Dong’s family has always been overbearing. Today, he took the initiative to provoke you and Li’s young master, and he almost blinded Li’s young master’s eyes to teach his elder sister that you didn’t do anything wrong." Qin Lan never dreamed that his younger brother knew his good friend and it was because of Li’s intervention that Li Bao, a wealthy businessman in Fujiangkou, was able to solve this fight between three children.
"Elder sister said yes, younger brother, you didn’t make a mistake, so the bad guy should punch him hard!" Qin Lanyue waved Xiuquan to tease Qin Lanrui.
Qin Xiangzheng and asaps gave each other a wry smile and didn’t speak. They were not ignorant parents, and they also saw that it would be better for Qin Lanxin to teach the other three children than the two of them.
"Elder sister I really didn’t do anything wrong? But … Aunt Sun wants to kick us out because of me! " Qin Lanrui also has some contradictions. He thinks he is right, but he thinks he is wrong.
Aunt Sun is the landlord of Qin family, and her son works in Dong family winery. Perhaps she is thinking about her son’s future, or she may have been instructed by someone in Dong family to tell them that she will not rent the room and let them move out.
"You didn’t do anything wrong, my younger brother. On the contrary, my elder sister still thinks you are a commendable boy. Master Dong Jia is taller and stronger than you, and you can still save your friend. Elder sister Gu thinks you are a brave boy. Aunt Sun asked us to move out not because you beat Master Dong Jia, but because we paid a month’s rent. This room is decided by others whether to rent or not. Finally, my elder sister wants to find a bigger place. Don’t you see that all the guests in our store can’t sit?" Qin Lan smiled and touched his younger brother’s hair. Qin Lanrui was actually a heavy child. She didn’t want him to think wrong.
"big sister!" Qin Lanrui finally smiled after Qin Lanxin’s guidance. The elder sister said that he had done nothing wrong and that he was a good boy. He was sweeter than eating Li Bao’s candy.
"What do you think, big girl?" Aunt Sun asked them to move out in two days. In such an urgent situation, Qin Xiangzheng and asaps also lost their minds at the moment.
Qin Lanrui has been put to sleep. Looking at the innocent and worried younger brother, Qin Lan didn’t worry much. In the end, there will always be a place for her Qin family at Baishi Wharf.
"Mom and Dad, don’t worry. Isn’t there still two days? The restaurant will temporarily open the door first. I’ll find out who else has a house to rent. Let’s move out first and say that the rent is enough." Qin Lan comforted her parents.
"Even if I have money, I may not be able to rent a house. It’s all my fault!" Qin Xiangzheng has never been so angry with himself as he is now.
He is a handsome man, but he has made his wife and children suffer injustice and hard work, and he has to let his 12-year-old daughter show up to make a living. He is really the father of heaven.
Qin Lan also knows the meaning of Qin Xiang’s words. Although the Li family has come forward to solve the fight, everyone in the fishing lane knows that Qin family has provoked Dong Gu, and even no one is willing to rent it to them.
At dawn the next day, Qin Lan went out in her clean white dress. First, she went to the fishing lane to ask the broker if there was a suitable room for rent. As a result, people stopped coming to the fishing lane and Qin Lan couldn’t afford to rent the fishing lane room.
Qin Lan-xin met He Laosi, the helper of her noodle shop, when she walked back to the door of Baiwei restaurant with loss.
"Why can’t Miss Qin be a restaurant today?" Although He Laosi helps in the fishing lane, his family lives in the fishing lane. Besides a little wine, he now likes to eat a bowl of hot noodle soup in a subway restaurant.
"He Dabo, I’m really sorry that the restaurant won’t be able to wait until Lan Xin finds a new place to live in the future." Qin Lan said shyly.
He Laosi also heard about the fight between Qin Lan’s younger brother and Li Xiaogong and Dong Jia’s bully. It’s really not easy for the Qin family to provoke Dong Gu!
"Why? Are you moving? " He Laosi is also a warm-hearted person who often comes to restaurants to eat noodles. He really appreciates Qin Lanxin, a diligent and good girl.
"It’s He Dabo. Do you know which other family in Waiyu Lane wants to rent a house? My family is in a hurry to move out these two days!" Qin Lan thought how He Laosi said it, and she often left outside the lane, knowing that there must be more than her.
He Laosi thought for a moment and said, "Miss Qin, even this rental is not much. It is estimated that it is difficult for you to rent it, but there is a house to sell …"
Qin Lan knows what He Laosi means. How can she afford a house if she can’t even rent it? Wait, she can’t really afford a house. Maybe there’s a way to take a chance.
"He Dabo has something to ask you. If you are not in a hurry now, can you sit at home?" After all, it is somewhat inconvenient for two people to talk in the lane.
"I just don’t have much to do today, so go to your house!" Can help people is a He Laosi also don’t refuse to follow Qin Lan heart went to the subway restaurant behind.
Qin Xiangzheng and asaps are waiting for news from Qin Lanxin at home. When Qin Lanxin returns home, let Qin Lanbing bring He Laosi a bowl of hot water to drink.
"Uncle He, I just saw that there are two banks in Yuxiang, but this bank can borrow money from its own title deed?" Wait until He Laosi drink water Qin Lan heart quite some eagerly asked.
He Laosi and Qin Xiangzheng asked several people, but He Laosi nodded and said, "If you want to have a title deed, the bank will decide how much silver to lend you according to the quality of the house."
"He Dabo that you just said outside fishing lane selling house is which? What’s his family like? And which fishing lane bank is more accommodating? " Qin Lan heart then asked
"It’s on the outermost row of the fishing lane outside Fujiang River. The Chinese family heard that a distant relative of his family had developed in Kyoto and bought them a house and fields in Kyoto to go there. Therefore, the literati decided to sell the fishing lane house and five acres of land not far from the lane. The bid was 220 taels of silver. This family is also good. They are doing cloth business in the fishing lane. There are two banks in total. One is Lu Ji Bank, and the other is Li Ji Bank. This Lu Ji Bank is now the Dong family’s family." I don’t know what Qin Lan wants to do.
Qin Lan was very grateful to He Laosi for looking at him with a puzzled look. He Laosi asked again, "Is He Dabo, a writer, willing to change the title deed first and then take the silver?"
"What do you want to do, big girl?" Qin Xiangzheng is also confused.
Collect, collect, please, everyone must collect, thank you! ~(_)~
Chapter VI Li’s assistance
One second, remember ♂ update and read quickly!
"Miss Qin, I don’t know this. I usually pay the silver when the title deed is replaced." He Laosi frowned and then stretched to look at Qin Lanxin in surprise. "Miss Qin, don’t you want Wen Gu to give you the title deed first, and then you can borrow silver from the bank with the title deed and then give the borrowed silver to Wen Gu to buy a house and a field?"
"He Dabo Bai Lan’s heart is exactly what this means. Lan’s heart is, after all, a teenager’s daughter’s home. This matter depends on He Dabo’s heart in the middle. If he becomes Lan’s heart, he will not forget your kindness today." Qin Lan, a stranger here, also has temporary help from He Laosi.

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