Aside Zhao Zifeng and others listened to the conversation between the old demon in Montenegro and Zhang Chongxuan in their hearts, and all of them showed doubts. If we really take the old demon in Montenegro as an example, four really scattered fairies plus higher demons in the demon world can’t be opponents at all. What’s more, the other party has hidden behind the scenes, but the old demon in Montenegro is present. Even if everyone has doubts, they naturally dare not ask more questions. Of course, whether this person naturally excludes weathered clouds. When everyone thought about it, the weathered cloud had shouted, "Master. I don’t know if your old man still has a trick, how come we don’t know! "

Weathered cloud words fall, the face of the old demon in Montenegro becomes ugly. Since Zhang Zhongxuan and his disciples go to the demon space, it must be prepared and planned, and his disciples can’t be unaware of it. So the weathered cloud words are absolutely true, and it also indicates that Zhang Zhongxuan has no tricks, and he will take refuge in Zhang Zhongxuan again, which is undoubtedly asking for a dead end. This makes her regret in her heart, and she blames herself for not coming out, but on second thought. Zhang Chongxuan can certainly find her. Judging from his previous impression of Zhang Chongxuan, being his enemy is simply asking for a dead end. Anyway, she has no choice but to sigh and say, "I lost."
Zhang Zhongxuan said faintly, "Not necessarily." As he spoke, he looked up at the sky with his negative hand, and his eyes showed a trace of impenetrable deep meaning.
At this moment, the energy wall suddenly began to distort, attracting the attention of the old demon in Montenegro. She turned her eyes and looked at the energy wall with a puzzled face, only to find that a figure slowly emerged from the energy wall. She said with horror, "It’s a demon fox."
"Email!" In the call of the old demon in Montenegro, Xie Keying, the three sisters who found the situation, jumped to the front of the energy wall and floated the dying email.
"I’m … out of … to …" When Mei Er saw Xie Keying’s handsome faces, she smiled pleasantly, and the whole person fainted. In the energy wall, the difficulty experienced by email is not as simple as Zhang Chongxuan said, on the contrary, it is much more difficult. When Zhang Chongxuan speculated on the mental retardation of the energy wall, he thought from the perspective of the person who fixes the truth, but forgot that email is a demon. The energy wall itself is derived from controlling the demons in and out of the demon space casually, and will let a demon in and out casually? Therefore, when email comes out of the energy wall, it will make the old demon of Montenegro, a crafty old scoundrel, horrified.
Email in the energy wall, not only experienced a psychological robbery, but also experienced a fierce battle. Finally, with a little perseverance, she climbed out of the energy wall. From her current situation, it can be seen that the clothes on her body have become wispy, and then her white skin is exposed, and many places have serious wounds. What worries everyone is that email’s breath and spiritual strength are extremely weak, which obviously indicates that her yuan God has been strongly damaged.
At email, Zhang Zhongxuan realized that she had made a mistake. Fortunately, email survived now, which made her feel gratified. Knowing that she had another helper in the future, she had already performed the healing of celestial beings, helped email to heal the superficial trauma, and even used a forbidden spell of celestial beings to help email recover her mind in the body. For a while, a shining brilliance lit up from email.
"How did this happen?" The old demon in Montenegro looked at Zhang Chongxuan with horror in his eyes. She just saw Zhang Zhongxuan’s hands draw some magic tricks, and she could quietly cast such a spell that consumes spiritual power. You know, the surge of spiritual power, she can even imagine that it will take her 90 yuan to achieve it, even if Zhang Zhongxuan is really scattered. That will consume about 65% of his real yuan. Doesn’t Zhang Zhongxuan want to face those old demons deep in the demon space? But when I saw Zhang Zhongxuan’s calm appearance. The old demon in Montenegro knows that Zhang Zhongxuan must have some reservations in some places.
Well, after a moan, Mei Er finally woke up. She turned her eyes around and found herself floating in the air. She tried to stand up, but suddenly her body lost weight. The whole person fell to the ground, but fortunately, the three sisters of Jixue were sensitive and hugged her so as not to fall on the bumpy ground with many bones.
"How, ok? There are many words in the error-free novel network, "asked Ji Xue and others.
"Don’t worry, she’s just an instant blank that appears with the help of spells. It’ll be fine later." Aside to zhang xuan light way, immediately attracted the attention of email held by JiXue three sisters. When Mei Er saw Zhang Zhongxuan, she remembered the scene of herself and Zhang Zhongxuan in the energy wall. Although she knew that it was a phantom, she still couldn’t help blushing, from her neck to her ears, but fortunately, she came over regardless of risks. Nowadays, Mei Er has really been thoroughly remoulded. During the film, she hid the throb in her heart. Zhao Zifeng and others, who were concerned about the three sisters on the side, thanked her: "Thank you for your concern, Mei Er is fine."
Weathered Cloud said stupidly, "It’s nothing serious. Look at your clothes. They are almost naked. Cher, Kexin and Keying, why don’t you get some clothes from your space bags and help your school sister change into them?"
Hear what the weathering clouds say. JiXue three people just to react. Jiao smiled and said, "Master elder brother is thoughtful sometimes." With that, she helped Mei Er to change clothes.
The old demon in Montenegro looked at the backs of several girls and sighed with a sigh: "I didn’t expect that the fox was also your apprentice. Looking at her cultivation, she is obviously only higher than me. It seems that if you want to fight those old demons in the depths of the demon space, you may not lose. " Actually, fox-obsessing is just on the one hand. What really makes the old demon in Montenegro have a little confidence is that Zhang Zhongxuan has just banned the celestial law, so he can casually use a spell with such a huge spiritual force, and his heart is certainly not simple.
Zhang Zhongxuan sneer at 1, saying: "Montenegro old demon, you can be deluded. Don’t say it’s email. It’s the four apprentices on my side. That one is not much worse than you. The last apprentice is Zhao Zifeng. Although he is only in Du Jie period, he is good at spells, law formation and a multiplier with four products of fairy devices. Even if you can’t beat him, you can’t help him. In terms of strength alone, although we haven’t achieved scattered immortals yet, we can’t go there with the combination of human and weapon. In addition, the disciple Yang Mu on the side has a strong aura, which is absolutely more than enough to deal with you, an old demon from Montenegro. As for the disciple on the far side, he is the one with the deepest cultivation among our disciples, even though I didn’t expect that he would make such rapid progress and actually achieve the initial stage of truly scattered immortals, which is only one step away from me. "
The old demon in Montenegro listened to Zhang Zhongxuan’s Kan Kan way. Although he had no expression on the surface, he was shocked at heart, and even a cold sweat appeared on his back.
“! Yang Mu and Tiexue are so powerful. " Weathering Cloud shouted and said with a look of disapproval: "Master, are you partial, because they are more advanced than us, but they are deeper than me and Zifeng."
Zhao Zifeng laughed and said, "Big Brother, this is what will happen to you if you don’t practice well."
Although Zhao Zifeng laughs and talks, Zhang Zhongxuan can still see a trace of loneliness in his eyes. For this apprentice who aims to surpass himself, Zhang Zhongxuan is quite concerned. He said lightly: "It is surprising that Mu Er and Xue Xin have achieved this result, but it is understandable. They are both born from the emperor’s family, and they are obsessed with the strong. After understanding, they naturally cultivate for thousands of miles a day, while Xue Xin, although with ordinary qualifications, is still him. That is faith, and faith is also the premise of Yuan God. Generally speaking, it is difficult to cultivate Yuan God with weak faith, but with strong faith, his Yuan God will be very strong. Judging from the physique of slave soldiers, his early cultivation will definitely be a waste of effort, but in the later cultivation of Yuan God, it is bound to be like a duck to water, so he has today’s achievements. Of course, you and Zifeng, on the other hand, are aggressive and seldom devote their heart to cultivation, while the other is busy with worldly affairs, which is naturally backward, but you don’t have to be impatient. The magic formula that you two cultivate in your body is derived from my magic formula, and only when you break through the soaring period. It’s hard to overtake them when they enter the world quickly. "
Hearing what Zhang Zhongxuan said, Weathering Cloud suddenly felt relieved and shouted, "Yang Mu and Tiexue Xin, let you two be better than me first, and wait until then."
"The elder brother of the master. Just you, jumping around all day, even if you overtake Yang Mu and Tiexuexin, you will be overtaken by them sooner or later. " Ji Xue, who helped email change her clothes, came along and teased the weathered cloud when she was in the pledge.
"Ha ha, the teacher elder sister this is wrong, although the master elder brother is active, but the master elder brother’s critical dragon tactic is a verb. The more he moves, the stronger his strength is, so he doesn’t move, but it shows that his strength is weaker. " Aside Zhao Zifeng after letting go, the whole person in a good mood, naturally say their own guess.
Iron-blooded heart agrees: "Second Martial Brother is right. On the battlefield, there is a kind of soldier who is extremely active. They are born for fighting and can only make progress in constant fighting, while the master elder brother, like them, can only make progress if they keep moving. "
While everyone was talking happily, the old demon in Montenegro threw cold water on one side: "Although you are all good in strength, you have to fight against the four true scattered fairy demon xiu in the demon space. But not necessarily their opponents. You know, no one can guarantee their strength after demonization. If you don’t believe me, just ask your fox sister. "
Under the gaze of everyone, Mei Er nodded helplessly and said, "The more the demon is cultivated in the back, the stronger the power after demonization, and some powerful demons can be mutated, that is, after demonization, they can play many demon shapes stronger than ordinary demonization."
Hear email, all the people in the heart a sorrow, you know, to the demon space, to deal with is not just the four demon xiu, there are countless senior demons in the demon space, but also the real background behind them.
Zhang Zhongxuan also knew what the disciples were worried about, and said with a smile, "You don’t have to worry. You just need to use your earthly spirit ring to absorb demons and improve your cultivation. As for the four true fairy demons, the master will deal with them."
Hearing Zhang Chongxuan’s words, everyone smiled again and didn’t speak. In their hearts, they all know that nothing is impossible for Zhang Chongxuan. Since Zhang Chongxuan put down his words, it must be no problem, and this is inadvertently their respect and trust for Zhang Chongxuan.
The old demon in Montenegro shook his head, and his eyes showed a trace of sadness. No one knew that she was hurt. If Zhang Zhongxuan saw the expression of the old demon in Montenegro at this time, he might know that it was a kind of loneliness. Zhang Zhongxuan stayed in the celestial world for so many years, and he was always alone. Naturally, he knew this feeling. Every time he saw a disciple of another faction flying to hold a big banquet, he was just like the old demon in Montenegro at this moment. It’s a pity. At this time, Zhang Chongxuan’s mind was placed on all the disciples, and he didn’t realize that the old demon in Montenegro was different in color, and he wouldn’t have thought that many years later, the old demon in Montenegro would withdraw from the road with him. The difference is that Zhang Chongxuan came down from the celestial world to revitalize the Chongxuan Sect, while the old demon in Montenegro went out from the demon space to the earth, and received a disciple on earth, who created the immortal Sect as famous as the Heavenly Chongxuan Sect.
"Well, it’s time to start." Zhang Zhongxuan stopped the conversation among the disciples and said to the old demon in Montenegro, "Old demon, lead the way."
With a wry smile, the old demon in Montenegro said, "I hope you won’t let me die because I stand on the same line with you." Said the shape together, has begun to lead the way, see Montenegro old demon shape together, all natural didn’t stay, shape together in succession, followed by Montenegro old demon.
From time to time, I will encounter some obstacles on the road. Although it plays a role of some obstacles, it also has a certain impact on the people. However, with Zhang Zhongxuan at home, behind Zhang Zhongxuan’s several laws, the people will not be affected by the harsh environment of the demon space at all, and they will fly all the way unimpeded. This demon space is indeed vast and powerless. After flying for a long time, it has not reached the place that the old demon in Montenegro said. This inevitably makes Weathering Cloud a little annoyed and drinks, "Old hag, you won’t go around on purpose."
Zhang Zhongxuan didn’t reprimand the weathered cloud for not covering its mouth. Because the old demon in Montenegro is a crafty old scoundrel, he will not understand that weathered cloud didn’t mean to call it that.
The old demon in Montenegro turned back and said, "Don’t scream, it’s already here." Said the body down. Fall to the ground first.
Appear in front of everyone is a dark space, specifically, a wall of dark clouds connected with the sky. In this dark cloud, there are lightning flashes from time to time.
Pointing to the wall of dark clouds in front of him, the old demon of Montenegro said, "This is the darkness of the demon space. If you want to get your Taisuo halberd, you must break this darkness. However, this shady scene is made of formations, and once this array is broken. The demons in the dark can be detected, so you should be prepared, because you may start work at any time. "
Zhao Zifeng glanced at the wall of dark clouds called shady land, and said, "The formation on this shady land is obviously similar to that of Ju Ling array, but the people who arranged it have slightly changed it, and they have made it permanent with the help of local forces. It is not difficult to break it. "
The old demon in Montenegro sneered and said, "Don’t be too full. This shady scene is not that simple. Even if you break the surface array, there are still tricks inside."
Zhao Zifeng smiled and said, "I know, this array is broken. There will be 7749 formations of heaven and earth at the same time. If there is no preparation, I am afraid that it will be equivalent to several days of robbery, and I will have to peel off my skin if I don’t die, so I didn’t start work. "
The old demon in Montenegro took a fresh look at Zhao Zifeng and said, "It seems that what your master said is true. You are really proficient in the array. Since you can tell the doorway inside, do you know how to break this array? " Error-free novel network does not skip words.
Zhao Zifeng said faintly, "You can have a try." Although modestly speaking, he can be a master, but his tone is obviously strong and confident, giving people an absolute feeling. It is just a piece of cake for him to break the shady scene.
The old demon in Montenegro looked aside at Zhang Chongxuan, although he didn’t make any noise, but his meaning was very clear. "Is your apprentice reliable?" Error-free novel network does not skip words.
Zhang Zhongxuan said lightly, "Purple wind. Since you don’t believe in your strength, prove it to her. "
"Yes. Master. " Zhao Zifeng saluted Zhang Chongxuan, and then, together with his figure, flew to the wall of dark clouds in front of him.
Looking at Zhao Zifeng, everyone looked up at each other, only to see Zhao Zifeng flying in mid-air and floating in the air. When they were guessing what he was going to do, he reached out his hand toward the wall of the dark cloud. After emitting a sky-white light, his hand actually dipped into the dark cloud.
"What does he want to do?" The old demon in Montenegro exclaimed, knowing that the darkness is not simple, and it has the function of devouring itself. There are countless monsters in the demon space that are sucked in by the darkness. The lesson of blood makes the old demon in Montenegro dare not touch the darkness at all. After all, no one wants to risk his life, so over time, the darkness has become the second forbidden area of the demon space after the energy wall.
In the shock of the old demon in Montenegro, Zhao Zifeng’s hand moved into the darkness, and with the shaking of Zhao Zifeng’s hand, a dark cloud began to shake before him, more vaguely highlighting a gossip pattern.
"Look!" Xie Keying and others at the bottom of this bed cried. Originally, Zhao Zifeng’s front began to gradually display the eight diagrams, and countless dark beams were sent out. Those beams made Zhao Zifeng’s whole person look ferocious, which made Jixue and other women at the bottom look very cold. If they didn’t know that the other party was Zhao Zifeng, maybe instinctively they would blow out the real yuan or cut down the sacrificial multiplier. Women were afraid, or they were not barbaric, but it made no sense to talk about it.
Different from Ji Xue and other women, the old demon in Montenegro was relieved when she saw Zhao Zifeng’s present situation. Judging from the airflow from the turbulent shady scene, she can be sure that there is no problem in Zhao Zifeng’s way of breaking the array. After all, if Zhao Zifeng breaks the array improperly, the whole shady scene will start to be chaotic. At that time, it will give people a feeling that it won’t be as quiet as it is now. As long as the first array is broken, then her old demon won’t matter, anyway.
After a period of turmoil, the big shady began to gradually calm down. In a flash, it turned into a cloud wall. At this time, Zhao Zifeng, who was floating in the air, plunged into the shady.
"Did Zifeng go in alone?" Weathering Cloud couldn’t help crying when he saw this, and secretly scolded Zhao Zifeng for not being helpful enough, so he went to kill alone and didn’t call him.
Ji Xue has been with the weathered cloud for a long time, and he still knows something about the temper of the weathered cloud. Jiao smiled and said, "Big Brother, Zifeng didn’t take you in. Now he is completely in the dark. I think the purpose is to break those 749 formations that set the power of heaven and earth one by one. You can ask the master if you don’t believe me."
"Really?" Error-free novel network does not skip words. Weathered clouds are suspicious. Looking towards Zhang Chongxuan, I was about to ask Zhang Chongxuan, but I heard a loud voice. Suddenly a wisp of black smoke appeared in the corner of the darkness, and a large piece of black cloud flew out, and then smoke was generated. A piece of black clouds flew out one after another, and the filled voice kept ringing. Attracted the eyes of weathered clouds and others.
The old demon in Montenegro shivered and watched chunks of dark clouds fly out. She knew that each chunk of dark clouds represented that one of the 7749 formations was broken. At this point of view, Zhao Zifeng could easily break the darkness.
"Forty-nine!" Xie Keying looked at the dark clouds flying out of the air. Read in a low voice, and in her mind, Zhao Zifeng’s figure appeared again.
The old demon in Montenegro was not in Zhao Zifeng’s mind, but looked at the darkness in front of him. At this time, the darkness, to be exact, had already begun to disappear, and a strange sight appeared in front of her. "This, this, how is it possible?" The old demon in Montenegro can hardly express his shock, because the scene that appeared in front of her is simply one day at a time compared with the demon space where the demon is located.

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