"Mother’s child will go to the imperial palace with her father, and I’ll explain it to you later." Leng Yuchen never looked at the long wind and dusk rain and followed Leng Kunyang out of the bedroom.

"Chen Er, what do you think now?" Three people in the imperial room looked heavy.
"Father, son, son and minister think that Changfeng Sunset didn’t directly answer that question, but from her repeated words, we can see that Changfeng Ao and Changfeng Yu arranged for someone to take her into the snowy tomb, where she met a zombie and was scratched by a zombie. At that time, someone cut off the place where she was scratched, and she admitted that she was not poisoned by ptomaine." Lengyuchen sat there and thought about it again and again. "What happened in the tomb must have stimulated Changfeng Sunset, and she was afraid to say that she would never go in again and refused to think about refusing again."
"Buddhist, what do you think?" Leng Kunyang asked Buddhist again
"I think what TaiDian said is reasonable." Buddhist agrees with Lengyuchen’s point of view this time. "Is it true that I am a minister or not?"
"Yes, if you look at Cangxi mainland, now there is me. The Khmer is the snow man who can be attached to Changfeng. What do you want to do?" Cold Kunyang eyes also stained with a layer of no Chapter three hundred and forty-three Someone designed in advance?
Leng Yu Chen rubbed his temples. "Father should know that the child was bent on marrying Changfeng Muyu, but it wasn’t really a lust for her beauty. Her little beauty root was nothing. The child just found out that she was better at machine skills than Changfeng Yu, thinking that if she married her, she could also let her and I Khmer design some machines."
"Well, my father is naturally white. You are not addicted to female se. Everything in your heart is very clear to the Khmer society!" Leng Kunyang still knows a lot about himself.
"I thought for a long time about the reason why the proud father of Changfeng did this, but I didn’t come up with a look until the moment before I entered the palace. Since Changfeng Muyu married into Taifu, I often talked to her about mechanical skills. Although she was very happy, she could really do it, but she was too late to ask her why. She said that her hand was injured by a machine before coming to Khmer, and now it has not healed. It is a bit clumsy to move her hands."
"The child saw that there was a wound on her right hand that seemed to have been cut off. Even when she was eating, she was not as flexible as usual, so she didn’t think much about waiting for her hand to recover completely before letting her do the machine. But now I want to come to the child and think that it is very strange. Changfeng Sunset Rain must be good at machine skills, and she must protect her hand when it is in danger. How can her hand be easily injured? And just the right hand? "
"Chen Er, do you mean that the long wind and the dusk rain entered the imperial tomb and were caught by zombies?" Cold Kunyang eyes a deep.
"Yes, I suspect that someone deliberately brought her into the imperial tomb and let her meet a zombie and hurt her hand, so that she was not poisoned. In other words, some people don’t want her to work in the Khmer royal family after Khmer, so as to ensure that she will be punished by the Khmer."
For kings like Leng Kunyang and Leng Yuchen, they have seen more struggles and struggles to make use of various means. The first reaction is whether there is a conspiracy in it, whether it will be bad for the emperor and heaven, and whether Leng Yuchen has inherited the characteristics of Leng Kunyang. The vicious institute also likes to think of others as treacherous as them.
"It’s impossible that the proud father of Changfeng doesn’t want to help Chener do the machine at dusk, so that bitch intentionally hurts her hand, and she has ptomaine in her hand, so that she can die. Khmer will blame me again, which requires more benefits, but they may not have thought that ptomaine will dye Chener, and they didn’t even think that this conspiracy will be seen through by people." Leng Kunyang’s stringing all this together is also a basic recognition of Leng Yuchen’s reasoning.
"I hope Taidian’s analysis is correct, and I hope this is not Xilin’s deviation." Although Buddhist agrees with Lengyuchen’s analysis, he still retains a trace of doubt.
"Chen son to prevent one thousand Changfeng proud father there I sent someone to check to see if this ptomaine is true, but that Su Yiming and Qiu girl Chen son must come up with a plan to exterminate as soon as possible." Leng Kunyang finally made a decision. "The spirit beast army is not easy to cause Xilin to raise eyebrows now. I will give you 500,000 troops to trample over the snow. You should secretly deploy Buddhist medicine stone to delay Chen childhood as much as possible."
"Father Qiu girl has ice spirit snow silkworm. If it is difficult to assassinate, it is easy to startle her. The child has sent someone to Xueman to wait for an opportunity to give her a method to let her temporarily obey the child, and Su Yiming will try to get rid of them together!"
"Chen’s son wants to go with you to your mother’s place in the week, and now it can’t hide from your mother. Only my father has comforted her personally." Leng Kunyang got up and always stood tall and straight. At this time, he also felt less straight. Before he gave birth to a pair of children, he always recognized that the two brothers and sisters were dragons and phoenixes, and one was a future emperor. I didn’t expect that both children would have accidents one after another, and I didn’t know if the queen would be in pain after knowing the truth.
"Mother depends on her father!" Although he is cold-blooded, he still has some feelings for his mother. What do you want if you leave your mother? Women in the palace spend their whole lives living in the palace or waiting for the waste of time. Children are their only thoughts.
Although the mother is crowned with six palaces, the mother instrument is now old. Although the father respects her, he has no feelings for men and women, and there is no love. Except for the first day of each month, she will stay in Fengyang Palace according to the law. The mother is always waiting for her to inherit the reunification. It is not a waste. She has been waiting lonely for many years, but she is dying. Should the mother accept this fact? Sister Jia, now Xilin has suffered another childbirth accident. Isn’t this the mother’s wound and then a knife and a handful of salt?
"Chen son, your mother is also my queen. I will accompany her! No matter what happens in the future, your mother will be my only queen and the future queen mother! I all emperors must respect her! You don’t have to worry about this! " Leng Kunyang patted Leng Yuchen’s shoulder and sighed naively. It was also a guarantee of Leng Yuchen. Although he also had a lot of unwillingness, sadness, anger and hatred in his heart, he must not be emotional at the moment or Khmer will be in chaos.
"I’ll go back and think about the medicine stone prescription". The Buddhist heart is also in a hurry to stabilize the cold rain and not let him go too fast and help the emperor determine the new candidate as soon as possible.
"You go! I will call you to see his emperor! " Leng Kunyang waved his hand.
Three people out of the imperial palace, cold Kunyang and cold Yuchen walked to Fengyang Palace together, and there was no eunuch behind them. As they walked, the father and the maid-in-waiting talked about who was more suitable for Yu Huang. After that, it was like discussing other people’s affairs.
I just woke up in Fengyang Palace, Changfeng and Dusk Rain, and I was a little embarrassed. She didn’t know what happened to her. She remembered that she had a dizzy spell and fainted. When she woke up, she found herself lying on the couch, sitting beside her, holding her hand affectionately, and there was a physician’s room to write prescriptions.
"Mother, am I like this?" Changfeng Sunset Rain sat up and tapped his head, but he felt that his mind was blank. How could he suddenly faint?
"You scared the palace at dusk. Why did you faint when you were talking?" The queen patted the hand of Changfeng Sunset Rain, and her acting was first-class.
"The palace said that you don’t look good, so there is a problem. Are you pregnant? You got a doctor to check your pulse. As a result, the doctor said that you haven’t had a good rest recently. It’s estimated that you just came to Khmer and haven’t adapted to the Khmer climate for a long time. Don’t worry, the palace has let the doctor give it to you. When you get back to Taifu, you must remember to ask the housekeeper to take medicine for you, so that you can have a good rest and recuperate. The palace is still waiting to hold your grandson!"
"Mother …" Changfeng Sunset Rain blushed at the right moment and bowed her head shyly. At this moment, she did not find that the queen’s eyes suddenly flashed cold and hate.
You’re fine, you’re fine! I cann’t believe acting in front of the palace, acting in front of Chen Er, not loving him, and pretending to be infatuated, but it turned out that your father and brother sent me to be an undercover of the Khmer royal family. Can you play it or not? Gong doesn’t know what happened now. Once Gong knows the truth, if you are half bad for Chen Er, Gong will skin you, drink your blood and swallow you alive! The queen’s hands are tight in the sleeve, and soon she looks like a pair of love.
"Dusk rain didn’t come back until Chener. You little couples are exhausted by your lack of restraint?" The queen deliberately suppressed the bass and smiled a little warm.
"Mother which have …" Changfeng dusk rain head buried lower even the neck is red. To tell the truth, although she doesn’t like Lengyuchen in her heart, she has to admit that Lengyuchen’s men and women are really masters. Now she is also trapped under the bed. huan can’t extricate herself. This time, Lengyuchen came back from Hushan and stayed in the room for two consecutive nights. After the Queen said this, Changfeng dusk rain felt a small flame in her heart.

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