A tiger with a burning flame appeared on Li Feiyang’s head, with a silent roar. The tyrannical and horrible murder came from the tiger, just like tens of millions of steel knives hanging over his head, which made Xiao Mengxiu feel cold and speechless.

"unexpectedly" this, this is not a red tiger "? The king of fire, one of the four supreme god beasts, "he, he has the blood of a red Yan tiger." No wonder, I can’t blame you. "Xiao Mengxiu is like talking in a low voice, and Li Feiyang grabbed her and flew back to the floating beast, and made it into the hands of Mr. Murong.
"We were really wrong" and shouldn’t provoke you again and again. "Xiao Mengxiu finally returned to absolute being at this time and said to Li Feiyang with a wry smile.
At Xiao Mengxiu Li Feiyang didn’t speak, just charged Mr. Murong dust smoke after watching her. I went back to my room alone.
Jean month wan followed awkward, but looked at Li Feiyang and went in without looking back. I didn’t say anything in the end.
Mr. Murong dust smoke hold Xiao Mengxiu wrist, will be a mixed force into Xiao Mengxiu body. It blocked the strength in her body and smiled faintly: "Xiao was in charge, and I advised you not to listen that day. I didn’t expect this result today."
Xiao Mengxiu’s face remained the same, but there was a flash of light in his eyes, and he immediately smiled and said, "Mr. Murong’s dust and smoke. Moon wheel firm and Rising Sun firm have always come and gone, and you and I are just two of them. What’s to be happy about? Is your friend, you said that if someone knew that he had the blood of the ancient supreme god beast "what would be the result? I am looking forward to it. "
Mr. Murong’s dusty face changed and his voice was like a knife: "Are you forcing me to kill you?"
Xiao Mengxiu smiled: "The moon wheel firm’s steward and chief steward are all dead. This moon wheel firm will not let it go. Sooner or later, someone will reveal the secrets of you and your friends. Therefore, if you want to live a better life, it is the best choice to live. "
MuRongChen thumb cold hum a way: "Idiot. You’d better stay. "
Say with Xiao Mengxiu walked into a closed room, turned and went out. When leaving Xiao Mengxiu’s side, Murong Chenyan gave a strange smile and quietly leaned over Xiao Mengxiu’s side and said, "Do you believe it or not? We adults will definitely make you obey, and we will be absolutely loyal and obedient. "
Xiao Mengxiu smiled disdainfully: "Dream!"
"Ha ha ha heart" Mr. Murong smoke noncommittally, around the room after the ban, turned and went out.
Looking at his arrogant figure, Xiao Mengxiu’s face showed a trace of doubt, and he felt uneasy in his heart for no reason. Maybe, Mr. Murong dust smoke said is true? He’s not bluffing?
No, it’s impossible! Xiao Mengxiu shook his head hard. Raise my hand looked at his wrist hung a string of red jade stone pendant.
There should be a faint golden light on the pendant. It’s just that the light is bright and dark, which is not obvious.
Xiao Meng abandoned a sigh of relief. As long as this string of spar is still flashing, it means that Xue Nianping is not dead.
They still have a chance.

Chapter 214 Northern Xinjiang Headquarters
Around two thousand armour, it lasted for several months. Li Feiyang pedestrians eventually returned to the ashamed population.
Xiao Mengxiu didn’t want to escape all the way. On another occasion, she successfully escaped the control of Mr. Murong’s dust and smoke, but she hasn’t walked out of a few miles. Li Feiyang chased him up and defeated him with one move. Grabbed it back again.
Later, Xiao Mengxiu never wanted to escape again, not because she didn’t want to, but because she no longer dared.
Li Feiyang’s strength is completely out of her cognition. If she knew Li Feiyang’s practical work at the beginning, she was still in a daze. Even with doubts, then a few. Months of getting along has made Xiao Mengxiu never despise Li Feiyang’s strength.
What makes her hard to see through is that Li Feiyang’s strength seems to be constantly changing. Sometimes it feels the same as ordinary people, but sometimes it is a powerful mess. The turbulent mixed force even makes Xiao Mengxiu suspect that Li Feiyang’s mixed state is not more than ten mixed yuan.
Xiao Mengxiu didn’t know that the root cause of this change was the two floating animals absorbed by Li Feiyang in World War I that day.
The floating beast brought Li Feiyang amazing power, which was originally possessed by a huge body. Once Li Feiyang’s "tiny" body is used as the carrier to explode, the destructive power will reach the point of being astounded. This is also why a few punches are thrown at will, and the strong shock will smash everything.
And the benefits of intercepting floating animals brought to Li Feiyang. It is the almost endless mixed force, the sufficient power of fire.
The intercepting floating beast has its own mixed force. Although its fighting means are limited and its mixed force level is very low, its huge body is doomed to have a terrible mixed force. In addition, the body of the intercepting floating beast has begun to absorb the power of Li Feiyang’s flame in a limited way before, and it has basically been destroyed with the tyrannical flame. However, after entering the devil’s refining pot, this damage and destruction have been repaired in time. And the final result of the repair. It is to make the intercepting floating beast gain the flame power of some red tigers.
Under such circumstances, after Li Feiyang intercepted the floating beast as the protector, the absorption and consumption of mixed force was reduced a lot, so that Li Feiyang’s red tiger firepower finally reached an almost continuous level.
And intercepting floating animals as the second bonus of dharma protection. Is to further improve Li Feiyang’s physique. Thereby making his strength even more shocking. After all the two floating beasts were used as guardians, Li Feiyang gained a brand-new ability.
He actually got another kind of mixed force, similar to Xue Nianping’s mixed force.
Li Feiyang’s state brought by mixed force of power is basically close to the level of seven mixed forces, that is to say, Li Feiyang’s strength has surpassed Xue Nianping only by relying on this mixed force.
After several months’ journey, Mr. Murong Dust Smoke took Li Feiyang and others along the way to the branches and stagnation points of Rising Sun Firm to have a rest. At the request of Mr. Murong Dust Smoke, Li Feiyang and his party got a lot of vitality spar, which made the devil-refining pot rise to the next level and reached the sixth level.
The benefits brought to Li Feiyang by the six levels of devil-smelting pot. It’s not just an extra protector slot.
The devil-refining pot has opened up a new ability to grow.
Put any summoning object into the growth slot. As long as the growth conditions are met, the strength realm of the summoner can be improved by vertical scissors.
For Li Feiyang, this ability is undoubtedly a timely help. Under the present circumstances, there is no problem in improving his own strength, and his summoning objects are somewhat low-end. Although Mr. Murong’s strength is good, he is only a mixed yuan, which obviously cannot be a good help, especially in the face of some high-end strong people.
It is very difficult to enter the country by practicing mixed force. If you only rely on your own penance, you will improve every level. It takes a lot of time and excellent opportunities. However, time is the most precious thing for Li Feiyang.
How on earth is unknown, and he came to the celestial world in a fog, and the powerful existence of this world doesn’t know how many, and suddenly he fell from the top of the whole human world to the bottom of the celestial world, which is really unacceptable for Li Feiyang.
So besides being strong, Li Feiyang urgently needs his people to be strong as soon as possible.
Three days later, Li Feiyang and his party finally arrived at the destination of this trip, where the twelfth branch of Rising Sun Commercial Bank is located.
Before entering the city, Xiao Mengxiu finally thoroughly understood the meaning of what Murong Chen Yan said on the floating animal island.
She was beaten half to death by Li Feiyang, and then she was caught in the devil pot.
Interestingly, Xiao Mengxiu, once again summoned from the devil’s refining pot, did not express absolute obedience to Li Feiyang, but existed in a very special state.
"I don’t know why I can’t resist your orders, and I can’t have bad thoughts about you at all. I even feel that if I intend to hurt you, I will die first, but I know that this is not the original me. No matter how you do this, I will not completely compromise. If there is an opportunity, I will definitely find a way to escape." Xiao Mengxiu said to Li Feiyang with a frown. Li Feiyang could feel her painful struggle, just saying a few words, and Xiao Mengxiu had a cold sweat on his forehead.
Li Feiyang put Xiao Mengxiu into the devil pot, but his heart was very puzzled.
Why, others will not appear such a situation, but Xiao Jianxiu can keep a sober knowledge?
Although stretched burn, but fortunately Xiao Mengxiu as dharma state. There won’t be any abnormal appearance, so I can improve my strength bonus. Although Li Feiyang is worried, I’m not too nervous.
"Xiao Mengxiu: Two mixed elements are strong. Strong force, strong spirit, sharp body and sharp body. Keywords Jiyun Island, Five Elements: Hydrophenol,
"As a dharma protector, increase the points of force, spiritual strength, posture and physique."
Li Feiyang has eight dharma protectors, including a giant python with a flaming crown, two floating beasts, a winged white tiger, a giant ape of King Kong, a lizard man, Xiao Mengxiu and Murong Chen Yan. After a little consideration, Li Feiyang put the white-fronted tiger in the growth slot to grow, and Mr. Murong Dust Smoke was released by him. After all, to face the rising sun business, to learn more about the celestial world, it is necessary to use the power of Mr. Murong Dust Smoke.
As for the feathered white tiger put in the growth slot, the conditions it needs to meet for its growth are not so difficult.
Every level of promotion requires money. Reiki spar force.
Or every ten days to upgrade a level.
Entering Lingjiu City, I came to the location of the twelfth branch of Rising Sun Commercial Bank.
The so-called business is more like a city in a city. High fence, solid and tall wooden building, with lots of houses inside, in which many fighters patrol with weapons.
Shortly after the announcement, the gate was opened; A warrior respectfully said, "Mr. Murong is in charge, please go in."
Mr. Murong Chen Yan nodded, took Li Feiyang and Jean Yue Wan, and entered the firm.
Inside the fence is an empty and huge martial arts field, in which two or three hundred warriors are practicing their martial arts, shouting loudly and fighting. The scene is in full swing.
Li Feiyang looked at them and couldn’t help thinking about Ying people. Compared with Ying people, these warriors can really be humble in Wushu. The gap between them is as obvious as heaven and earth.
It can be seen that even the celestial world is only higher than the human world. If we stand on the same starting line, it is really unknown who is superior and who is inferior.
"Ha, ha, ha, Mr. Murong, I heard that you brought a master back? Introduce it to me quickly. " Three people are moving forward, a middle-aged man quickly came out from the firm, clear voice laughed as soon as they met.
Li Feiyang looked intently and saw that this man was wearing a delicate white robe, with a red sun embroidered on the corners of his sleeves, and a pair of lion’s head and living cloud boots at his feet, wearing a golden jade crown, and his body was covered with an elegant and calm atmosphere unique to someone who outranks him.
His face is handsome and mighty, and his figure is thin. The skin is white and the fingers are clean and slender, giving people a very comfortable feeling.
"Chen Tongling!" At Li Feiyang, Mr. Murong Dust Smoke was greeted with a quick step, aiming at this. The man saluted: "See the commanding adult for subordinates. The mission of this trip has not been completed, please command and punish! "
"Ha ha" Middle-aged man stretched out his hand to help Mr. Murong dust smoke, smiled and said, "I’ve heard about the situation, and the moon firm suddenly appeared. There’s nothing you can do. You’re lucky to be back safely. You can’t blame this. " Speaking of which. He turned to Li Feiyang and smiled: "Is this your friend? Why don’t you introduce me
"This is a friend of subordinates in Dongling Sea. Li Feiyang, this is Qin Yuewan. If it weren’t for this Li brother’s defeat of Xue Nianping and Xiao Mengxiu, I’m afraid my subordinates wouldn’t come back this trip.
Then Mr. Murong pointed to the middle-aged man and said to Li Feiyang, "Brother Li, Miss Qin. This is Chen Xuanming, the speaker of the twelfth branch of our Rising Sun Commercial Bank. "

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