He shook hands with every employee with a smile on his face from beginning to end, and the whole person looked much more energetic than before.

He can even tell how many years each employee has worked for the club and thank them for everything they have done for the club during these years.
After a turn, he returned to his office, and then shook hands with Moscow, who had been with him all the way through the circle.
Moscow asked him more, "Aren’t you going to find Chang?"
Flores shook hands with every employee, even the security guards. But he didn’t go to Changsheng or even mention it.
This makes Moscow feel strange.
He thought to himself that Flores likes winning so much that he has to go now. How to say it, do you want to have a look?
Unexpectedly, Flores shook his head: "No.. I don’t want to disturb his work. He and his team are working hard for the future of getafe. "
Moscow more pie pie in my heart.
He wanted to show his disdain, even if it was only in his heart, but now he seems a little discouraged. Because getafe has really returned to the top of the league. In the face of such achievements, any doubt and disdain are pale and powerless.
He stopped talking.
Flores stood at the door and looked at the furnishings in the office, which had been with him for nine years. Even though a lot of personal belongings have been removed and the office seems empty, there are still many traces that belong to him.
This desk was ordered at a high price when he just became the president of getafe Club, and it was polished a lot where he often let go.
And that row of sofas, where he once met many people, including Moscow and Changsheng.
His portrait on the wall has been taken down, and there is a white mark on the wall, which is very conspicuous compared with some yellowing walls around.
Flores just looked at it and didn’t move for a long time.
Just when Moscow was a little impatient, Flores finally turned around.
He reached for the door and walked outside.
Moscow was afraid that his impatient expression would be seen by the other party just now, so he quickly stood up and held out his hands to help.
But he was rejected by Flores.
"I’m not old enough to need help from others." He shook off Moscow’s hand and strode away at the end of the corridor.
In this way, the nine-year Francisco Flores era of getafe Club came to an end.
Changsheng didn’t know that Flores had left until after the training.
He didn’t call Flores, because he thought it was better to use the game to convey his mind.
The last hope and joy for the old man who was grateful to him at the beginning is what he is trying to accomplish now.
A day later, the day before the game, the trustee appointed by the bank came to the club.
After he came, he didn’t even meet Chang Sheng, but spent more than an hour talking with Moscow.
Then all the specific affairs of the club were handed over to the manager of this club in Moscow.
For the team, the trustee doesn’t seem to care
Moscow is very satisfied with this, and the whole club is under his control.
And Changsheng is also very satisfied.
Because the last thing he wants is that the new custodian has been telling the team what to do since then.
Now the trustee has shown indifference to him, which is what he most hopes for.
In the last eight rounds of the league, Chang Sheng needs to concentrate, and he doesn’t want to be distracted in any meaningless place.
So the trustee ignored him, and he didn’t feel excluded or left out.
He believes that as a head coach, as long as he can lead the team to achieve results, that is the best proof, and the rest need not be taken care of.
Even if getafe really doesn’t want himself when the time comes, he won’t take it out with this excellent teaching performance.
Therefore, when Moscow is arrogant because of the support of the trustee, Changsheng seems very calm and calm, and what to do.
Anyway, there is nothing Moscow can do about him now.
Although he is the manager in charge of club affairs, it doesn’t mean that he has the right to dismiss Changsheng. The contract between the club and Changsheng was signed at the end of the season. Before the end of the season, it was impossible for Moscow to catch Changsheng.
What’s more, he is not so stupid. Now, firing Chang Sheng at this time, isn’t that attracting everyone’s gunfire to yourself? Maybe I’ll be dug up by Carlos Mediano, the damn reporter …
I have worked so hard to make all this happen, but I don’t want to expose myself as the black hand behind the scenes at the last moment.
Therefore, he didn’t move Changsheng, and he didn’t even have any contact with Changsheng.
On weekdays, he handles the club’s affairs in his office in coliseumalfonso perez, such as sorting out the club’s financial reports and checking the club’s financial situation with the bank.
As for the ever-victorious, he leads the training in Las Margarita Sports City, just across the street from coliseumalfonso perez.
He won’t go to coliseumalfonso perez unless it’s a match day.
The two sides just stay out of it, and the king doesn’t see the king.
They all know that by the end of this season, it is the moment to decide their respective destinies.
In that case, let’s wait until the end to reveal the answer.
When getafe returned to the first place in the league, more and more opponents began to pay attention to them. A few games ago, they can still hold a fluke mentality, thinking that getafe was only lucky to have such achievements.

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