A man looked a little unhappy and left his eyes dim.

I pulled his face back with my hands, looked at his eyes seriously and said, "Maybe I was scared away by you that day." I added another fire.
Zou Chen frowns "Don’t you dare"
"This ….. it’s hard to say." I hung my eyes to cover my smile.
Now that I know that he is a zhe, I’m not afraid to be cruel to him.
"Are you trying to piss me off?" He squeezed my cheeks.
"I don’t want a sick man anyway."
I mumbled another sentence, success angered a man.
"Lin Tong bravery is fat, isn’t it?" Some man turned me over and glared at me in the hospital bed.
I blinked my eyes.
He sighed and pulled me up again, tilting his face a little unwilling to say, "Then you will accompany me after the New Year."
"Good" I readily answered and repeatedly said, "No, no, my dad … I can’t go that way."
His face immediately turned cold.
I half knelt up and took his hand and gently coaxed, "I’ll wait for you in Rongcheng no matter how long I wait, okay?"
Zou Chen definitely looked at my eyes and suddenly muttered, "I am hungry."
Chapter one hundred and forty-six You smile again.
Zou Chen definitely looked at my eyes and suddenly muttered, "I am hungry."
"You haven’t eaten …" What time is it? By the way, where is my seafood porridge?
I jumped up from the hospital bed. "Wait a minute. I brought you porridge. It seems I left it in the small park just now."
Zou Chen’s black-painted eyes stared at me suspiciously. "Who did you go to the small park with?"
A man is always so sensitive.
I pretended not to hear me turn around and ran out of the ward, but I heard him say, "Do you think I dare to eat it back?"
Uh … yeah.
"So … what do you eat?" I walked back to the bedside and asked weakly
Zou Chen glanced at the glass tea and several heat preservation barrels "Xiao Liu sent them at noon"
In order to make a man feel better, I personally feared that he looked at him with an extremely tender feeling and finally melted the frost off his face.
After dinner, I cleaned up the thermos and came out of the kitchen. I saw Zou Chen leaning against the bed and staring thoughtfully out of the window. I put the thermos back in the tea and walked over and took off my shoes and bed.
"What are you thinking?" Kneel and sat down beside him.
He suddenly turned to look at me and frowned. "You look terrible. What’s wrong with you?"
I’m really a little uncomfortable at this moment, but I’m not uncomfortable or tired. I went to bed after midnight last night and ran around early in the morning. I was just surprised by his identity and my physical strength was a little overdrawn
"Nothing, just a little tired." I put my head on his shoulder.
"Then you lie down and sleep." He pulled up and was covered by me. I was still sitting with his eyes and ordered me to lie down quickly.
I’m a little embarrassed. "It’s not good for nurses and doctors to come in later."
His eyes are "obedient"
I lay down and closed my eyes, but I fell asleep in a short time. It can be seen that I really reached the limit.
I didn’t wake up until it was dark, but Zou Chen wasn’t in the ward. I woke up, went to the kitchen and washed my hands, but there was no sign of him. I went out of the ward and happened to meet the little nurse who was always giving Zou Chen an intravenous drip.
The little nurse told me Zou Chen was in Dr. Zhu’s office, so I looked for him.
Dr. Zhu’s office was left unlocked. I was just about to raise my hand and knock at the door. Zou Chen’s voice suddenly came out and my hand froze.

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