Zhang Huai, who just stood up, saw the leader walking towards the hall where Zhang Zhongxuan was located. He was anxious and quickly came to stop him.

Seeing Zhang Huai, a thin figure, the leader stopped in front of him with a worried face and shouted, "Get out of the way."
"Don’t let it." Zhang Huai affirmed.
"You want to die." As the leader said, he reached out and punched Zhang Huai. Zhang Huai was also angry that this group of people had come to help Tongrentang to make trouble, and he was not afraid of the leader. He got a hard punch, reached out and grabbed the leader’s hand and bit it. When the leader thought that Zhang Huai would resist, he accidentally bit Zhang Huai hard, and immediately felt a huge pain coming from his right hand, and blood flowed out of his hand, while Zhang Huai still held on to it, and he vowed not to give up until he bit his hand.
The leader was also afraid in his heart, worried about his hands, and quickly took out his crotch knife and stretched out his hand to cut Zhang Huai’s arm.
The passers-by who were watching were all nervous, and even worse, they cried, "Look out!"
Zhang Zhongxuan waited for them to make trouble, and it was even more welcome to see this. Now, the gods were released. At once, there was a strong wind blowing in the Tong Ren Tang, and the leaves of several plants placed in Tong Ren Tang floated into the air, forming a green ball in the air. Everyone who was smashing the shop stopped and looked at the green ball in the air puzzled. Even the leader stopped and looked up at the green ball.
Zhang Chongxuan moved, and the green ball floating in the air suddenly burst apart. Those leaves turned into green, and they flew like meteors in the room of Tong Ren Tang in the economic room, only to hear the sound of ouch. Those who smashed the shop were scratched by leaves on their knees, leaving a deep cut, and fell to the ground unsteadily, while the leader died in silence, and there was a green blur between the eyebrows on his head.
"What’s the matter?" At this time, the officers came over, saw all the people lying on the ground and called, "What?"
Zhang Huai looked at the leader who fell to the ground, and suddenly he didn’t know what happened. It turned out that he didn’t know that Zhang Zhongxuan had amazing accomplishments, and he hurriedly brought what had just happened one by one. As for the death of the leader, he said that it must be God’s help, because the Tong Ren Tang was guarded by immortals, and there were many people who bypassed the store. There were also many comments there, and all the officials were careless and understood the cause of the incident. They also saw that lying on the ground were places that often squatted in the cell.
From then on, the thing of saving the Tong Ren Tang with the protection of the gods disappeared, and no one dared to come to the Tong Ren Tang to make trouble.

Chapter 43 To make friends with doctors (I)
Ten days later, the peaceful Xingcheng began to become lively, and even the county magistrate of Xingcheng was moved by it. It turned out that famous doctors from all over Liao County gathered in Xingcheng. The arrival of these famous doctors naturally increased the face of the county magistrate of Xingcheng, and he also knew the medical friendship meeting held by Zhang Zhongxuan. The county magistrate paid great attention to this matter and specially vacated the largest inn guest of Xingcheng to live with famous doctors from all over the country.
People in Xingcheng talked about the arrival of famous doctors in Liao county, and for a while, the name of Tong Ren Tang, which helped the world, was well known to the world.
There will always be shadows under the sun. While the reputation of Tong Ren Tang, who helps others, is in full swing, there is a plot to promote Tong Ren Tang by dao in the mansion of Huiren yiguang in Xingcheng. If Zhang Zhongxuan were here, he would surely guess that these people are the ones who ordered the local ruffians and hooligans to help the people in Tong Ren Tang.
Sitting at the top of the table is an old man of nearly sixty years old, with a thin figure. The whole person looks weak and weak, but he has a pair of wise eyes on his face full of years. On his left and right, there were seven or eight old people in their fifties and sixties, all of whom were talking privately at the bottom. These people are the masters of yiguang in Xingcheng. At this time, they get together, which is called by Xie Shiming, the master of Huiren yiguang.
Huiren yiguang is a time-honored medical shop in Xingcheng. It has been in Xingcheng for more than a hundred years, and it is deeply rooted. Other yiguang in Xingcheng are either supported by Xie Jia or attached to Xie Jia. However, after Zhang Zhongxuan opened the Tong Ren Tang, the business of yiguang plummeted, which can be called bleak management. Even the time-honored Huiren yiguang was not visited by many people. Therefore, Xie Shiming would send out the next move before to instigate some local ruffians and hooligans to prepare to expel Ji.
Watching everyone discuss the past, Xie Shiming caressed his beard and said, "What do you think of this gathering of Jishi Tongrentang?"
When they heard Xie Shiming’s words, they all quieted down, but no one dared to express their opinions.
Xie Shiming sighed, and his heart was also disappointed. This group of people always shouted in front of him at ordinary times, but once the problem came out, they all fell silent. It was just that they were the master of Xie Jia after all. Although they felt guilty about the last thing, Xie Jia’s century-old inheritance did not want to be destroyed by themselves. He said, "Ji Shi Tong Ren Tang distributed invitations to various places in Liao County, but they didn’t send them to us. I want to come. Then Ji Shi Tong Ren Tang doesn’t care about us yiguang, and wants to compare our yiguang in Xingcheng and monopolize Xingcheng’s business. But I don’t understand one thing. What is his intention in holding this meeting? "
This remark immediately aroused the discussion of a group of people below. One of them, who was younger than others, stood up and said, "Master Xie, I heard that my colleagues who helped the world found a cure for smallpox, so famous doctors from all over Liao County came running. In my opinion, there is a big hall in it."
No sooner had this man finished than another man stood up and said, "Yes, according to my secret observation, the Zhang family of Jishi Tongrentang not only runs yiguang, but also bought Binzailai Inn and several places in the city. Do they want to build several branches in Xingcheng to completely monopolize the yiguang business in Xingcheng?"
Immediately after they said this, people all put forward questions in their hearts:
"Yes, I also heard that Zhang Fu is secretly planning something. It seems that there is a big move."
"Zhang Jia also bought some rare medicinal materials, and there are also big articles in it."
"The Zhang family is recruiting people, and I don’t know what it is?"
Seeing that this would be endless, Xie Shiming quickly stood up and said, "Be quiet and listen to me." Xie Shiming, anyway, is a leading figure in various yiguang cities in Xingcheng. After he said this, people’s voices began to get smaller. Finally, they all looked at Xie Shiming and listened to what Xie Shiming had to say.
Xie Shiming moistened his throat and said, "Yes, the Zhang family has a lot of articles in secret, but according to my speculation, the Zhang family mainly does business in yiguang. Why did he invite famous doctors from all over Liao County? Have you ever thought about the cure for smallpox? Why would he tell others? If you could cure many diseases that others can’t cure, would you tell others the cure? " Error-free novel network does not skip words.
When they heard Xie Shiming’s words, they all thought.
Xie Shiming didn’t give everyone time to think, sneered, and continued: "They did this because they not only wanted to monopolize the whole business of Xingcheng yiguang, but also wanted to plant their flag of the Zhang family’s help to the world Tongrentang in all parts of Liao County, even in the whole country. Hum, the Zhang family thought others couldn’t see it. Can’t I see it? This idea has been moved by Xie Jia’s predecessors for a long time, but it only stopped for various reasons. The reason why the Zhang family did this is to please doctors in various places with medical skills first, and then open a branch library to coexist with yiguang and other places, so as not to be suppressed by yiguang. "
"Yes." Xie Shiming’s words were reasonable and immediately accepted by everyone, but they didn’t know that Zhang Zhongxuan’s medical friends’ meeting was really to prepare for opening a branch library, but not to please doctors everywhere, but to directly gather doctors everywhere!
"What should we do if we let him succeed? I think those who thrive in the city will definitely suffer, while those from other places will be better and can coexist." One of them stood up and asked Xie Shiming.
Xie Shiming became full in his chest and said, "What should I do? Very easy to handle! Some of the cures proposed by the Zhang family are incurable diseases, but it is precisely because of this that we can overthrow them, because they are just talking on paper, but they can’t prove it on the spot. We can seize this point and then take the opportunity to provoke everyone, and even colleagues who help the world will stink. "
"Hum, smelly, is it so easy?" Error-free novel network does not skip words. Zhang Chongxuan went to the window with his hand in his hand. Just now, he was looking at the books. Inadvertently, Xie Shiming’s words came to his ears, so when he listened carefully, Xie Shiming and others knew about the plot. For Xie Shiming and his group, Zhang Chongxuan naturally ignored him. In his world, nothing can be hard to live with him, and no one can push him. With his understanding of medical skills, he only needs to say it.

Chapter 44 To make friends by medicine (in)
The black curtain was mentioned, and the weathered cloud, who had just returned from Binzailai Inn, said, "Master, those old men are dishonest and want to see you now."
"Really?" Error-free novel network does not skip words. Zhang Zhongxuan showed a faint smile on his face and said, "Are you upset because you want to persuade those famous doctors again? Your younger brother Zifeng asked you to come back first?"
Weathering Cloud blushed and said with a hard mouth, "No, Master, my younger brother said that it was enough to have him there. I was overqualified to stay there, so I came back first."
Zhang Zhongxuan also doesn’t care about the dishonesty of the weathered cloud. He said, "Well, those people are a little difficult to wait on. They are always old famous doctors, and it is inevitable that they are arrogant and withdrawn. It is also the right choice for Zifeng to ask you to come back, otherwise, they may be eaten by you in a shady way."
Weathered cloud hey hey smiled a few times and said, "I dare not lay a finger on them even if I am given great courage, but those old men are really irritating. When my younger brother and I sent posts, they were all indifferent to each other, and what’s more, they were ugly to me and my younger brother. If it weren’t for the cure for smallpox that the master told us, it would be really not easy to invite them. I don’t know how the master planned to soothe them.
"These people are skilled in medical skills. They are usually begged by others. Without him, they naturally don’t care about anything, but people will have weaknesses. Money and fame are not very important to them, but those medical skills they don’t know are what they want even if they die." No sooner had Zhang Zhongxuan finished his words than Zhang Huai’s anxious voice rang out from the black curtain: "Young Master, young master, something is wrong."
Weathered Cloud looked at Zhang Huai with a worried face and said, "What’s the hurry? Even if the sky falls, we will still hold on."
When Zhang Huai heard the words of the weathering cloud, he swallowed saliva and said, "Master Zhao asked me to inform the young master that doctors from all over the world are coming to see him. He said that he was a little overwhelmed and asked me to ask the young master what to do?"
"Are you? I wanted to demoralize them and see them again when they lost their temper. Who thought they couldn’t help it so soon? It’s all right, you can inform Zifeng to let them come and I’ll wait for them. "
"yes." Zhang Huailing life, hurriedly toward the guest to the inn again.
"Huayun, when they come, just keep outside the black curtain and don’t let them in, okay?" Error-free novel network does not skip words.
Weathered clouds should be quickly.
At this time, it is the prime time at night, and Xingcheng is in a bright light. On both sides of Xingcheng Road, there are vendors everywhere, doing big business when people from Xingcheng come out to play at night. The pedestrians on the road are bustling, which is not much less lively than during the day.
"Please make way, please make way." Zhang Huai kept crying, beside him were hundreds of old famous doctors. When these doctors heard that they could go to the Tong Ren Tang, they didn’t even sit in the carriage, so they just walked over. Zhang Huai saw that most of them were in their 40 s, and they were afraid that they would be hit and injured, so they played the role of opening the way. Zhao Zifeng also went ahead and kept guiding the people.
"Isn’t that the second disciple of Ji Shi Tong Ren Tang’s Black Curtain Doctor?" Error-free novel network does not skip words. No matter pedestrians or people who eat supper at roadside stalls, when they see Zhao Zifeng dressed in black, they are puzzled and don’t understand what he is going to do with more than 100 people. One of them was called up by Zhao Zifeng in the free clinic: "Master Zhao, what are you doing?"
Zhao Zifeng smiled at the humanity of the question: "I am instructed by my family teacher to lead famous doctors to Jishi Tongrentang and ask my family teacher for medical skills. If you are interested, you might as well watch it." Zhao Zifeng thought that it is good to have strength in business, but fame and popularity are also important. After all, good wine is also afraid of deep alleys!
Zhao Zifeng’s answer immediately aroused the interest of Xingcheng people and followed the past.
Zhao Zifeng, a group of people who were waiting at the door for the weathering cloud, exclaimed, "Mom, there are so many people." It turned out that along the way, Zhao Zifeng, people on the road heard that the "black curtain imperial doctor" in our city wanted to discuss medical skills with famous doctors from all over the country, and they all became curious and came to watch. The number of people in Huo Ran reached tens of thousands. Fortunately, Zhang Zhongxuan bought some houses near Zhangfu as early as a few days ago, and just demolished them to expand Zhangfu. The other day, he made room for the opening ceremony for the opening of his colleagues. It was just empty, and now it is good, providing a place for everyone.
No matter how many people there are, those old famous doctors will go to help the world. Seeing that there are many people, the weathering cloud stopped everyone and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, I don’t think it’s a problem to go to help the world Tongrentang. If you go to help the world with hundreds of people, then we will probably give you a burst." Before the seven-day free clinic in Jishi Tongrentang, when business was good, only 100 people could stay in Jishi Tongrentang, while others were waiting outside for a long queue. Now hundreds of people have to go in together. Zhao Zifeng also felt that the weathering cloud was right and quickly helped the weathering cloud.
This group of old doctors are all elderly, and their hearts are usually high. Now they are blocked by Zhao Zifeng and weathered clouds. The person standing in the front immediately cried: "You asked us to attend the medical friendship meeting. Do you want us to stand in the street?" Error-free novel network does not skip words.
When this man asked, he immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of hundreds of people. Zhao Zifeng quickly said, "Dear old gentlemen, my master said that you will come to the inn again tomorrow morning, but you can’t wait to come now. Although Jishi Tongrentang is big, it can’t accommodate so many people. What’s more, there are so many Xingcheng people standing outside. I can’t let you in, but let them stand outside."
Zhao Zifeng immediately got the favor of those who came to watch the fun, and they responded in succession. For a while, the voice of applause continued, and those old doctors were not good enough to embarrass this matter again.
However, Xie Shiming, who is mixed with many famous doctors, won’t stop there. He spent a lot of effort and made use of some friendships to make some famous doctors ask Zhao Zifeng to let them participate in this medical friendship meeting. Now, seeing such a good opportunity to criticize, how can Xie Shiming let it go? "According to Zhao Xiaoge’s words, we are not here to hold a medical friendship meeting, but to be turned away. You know we are famous doctors." Xie Shiming said it in a teasing tone and immediately embarrassed hundreds of doctors in front of the door.
Zhao Zifeng knew that if this matter was not handled properly, it would be easy for all famous doctors to do things for Zhang Fu. It should be noted that the most important thing for people is to save face. As the saying goes, people have to face trees and skin, and Zhao Zifeng didn’t want everyone to step down. He quickly said, "Zhang Huai, go into the Li Tang and bring those blankets bought from Persia."
"But …" Zhang Huai was puzzled. As far as he knew, there were no carpets purchased by Persia in Litang, but when he hesitated, Zhang Zhongxuan’s voice sounded in his ear: "Zhang Huai, just come in." The situation outside was heard by Zhang Zhongxuan in Litang. Zhang Zhongxuan also knew that the most important problem here was face. As far as he could see, he reached the blanket under his ass. Zhang Zhongxuan had an idea, picked up the blanket and tore it in half, so he put a few smoke screens on it, and then informed Zhao Zifeng and Zhang Huai.

Chapter 45 To make friends with doctors (below)
Zhang Huai went into the hall and saw two blankets in front of Zhang Chongxuan. He was also shocked and speechless. Zhang Chongxuan smiled and said, "Zhang Huai, take them out and let the purple wind decorate them."

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